Why Do You Wake Up Feeling Tired? 8 Reasons and Solutions for Morning Fatigue

2023-06-18 13:09:07

Are you one of those people who can sleep up to eight hours a night, but still wake up feeling tired? You are not alone. Several factors explain this phenomenon.

According to a 2015 US study, this lag is often due to an increased state of sleep inertia, a process that modulates memory, mood, reaction time and wakefulness, CNN reported.

However, here are eight other reasons that explain this fatigue on waking.

“Many conditions cause fatigue, but don’t necessarily make people feel like they’re ready to sleep,” said Jennifer Martin, a professor of medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine, in the United States. United.

Chronic pain, metabolic or thyroid disease, anemia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are some of these conditions.

Additionally, according to the National Sleep Foundation, healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. So you might need more than eight hours of sleep to feel more energized.

If you are sedentary, your body may get used to expending little energy. So you may feel more tired than you should when trying to perform basic daily activities, according to Martin.

The World Health Organization recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week.

Anxiety and depression can become a source of energetic stress. These conditions can also negatively influence the time it takes to fall asleep as well as waking up during the night.

Those who take medication for these illnesses can also suffer from side effects that leave you feeling tired, despite getting a good night’s sleep.

Sometimes your hours are different during the week and on weekends. People with jobs with varying hours will see their quality of sleep worse than the average person.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, more than 50% of the body is made up of water, which is necessary for multiple functions, including the creation of hormones and neurotransmitters, and the delivery of oxygen throughout the body.

Dehydration has been associated with decreased alertness and increased sleepiness and fatigue. Remember to stay hydrated before bedtime.

Good sleep hygiene involves keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool at night, and only using it for sleeping and having sex.

Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages less than six hours before bedtime and limit the consumption of alcohol and heavy or spicy foods at least two hours before bedtime. Alcohol can prevent the deeper stages of sleep, and these foods can cause digestive issues that interfere with restful sleep.

“Who you share your bed with has a big impact on your sleep,” Martin said.

Maybe your bed partner has a sleep disorder and is snoring or tossing and turning. Or that person has a different schedule that disrupts your sleep. Pets can also disrupt your sleep schedule, as they don’t have the same habits as humans.

Speaking of sleep disturbances, a person with sleep apnea may wake up 50 times, even 100 times or even more during the night.

“Once you’re awake, you’re no longer in deep sleep,” said University of Washington management professor Christopher Barnes.

“Getting people out of that deep sleep by waking them up is generally going to result in a reduction in time spent in the deepest stage of sleep,” he added.

If you suffer from a sleep disorder, the best advice is to consult your doctor.

#Feel #Tired #Wake



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