Understanding Emotional Heatstroke: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention in Hot Summer Weather

2023-06-18 10:08:02

[Voice of Hope June 18, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) Heat stroke is a common disease in hot summer weather. When it comes to heatstroke, you may think of a series of heatstroke symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and unconsciousness, but few people regard irritability, anxiety, abnormal behavior, and disordered thinking as manifestations of heatstroke. In fact, in the hot summer, not only people’s body will suffer from heat stroke, but also people’s psychology and emotions will also suffer from heat stroke. Psychologists call it “emotional heat stroke”, also known as “summer affective disorder”.

We all know that people’s emotions are easily affected by the external environment, especially in the summer vacation. Due to the influence of the external high temperature environment and the pressure from work, it is easy to cause people to have irritated and restless thoughts. If it is not dredged and released in time, it will bring certain harm to the body.

Emotional Heatstroke (pixabay)

“Emotional heatstroke” may still be a vague concept for most people, so what is “emotional heatstroke”? “Emotional heatstroke” means that when the temperature exceeds 35°C, the sunshine exceeds 12 hours, and the humidity exceeds 80%, the impact of meteorological conditions on the emotional regulation center of the human hypothalamus will be significantly enhanced, and people will easily lose control of their emotions, and frequent friction or disputes will occur. The phenomenon. The main symptoms are emotional irritability, changeability, temper tantrum, disordered thinking, abnormal behavior, memory loss, lack of enthusiasm for people, and disinterest in things, etc.

In summer, the following types of people are more prone to emotional heatstroke:

① People with high pressure in work and life are in a relatively tense emotional state for a long time, and the hot external environment can easily induce their negative emotions that have been suppressed;

② People who are prone to emotional fluctuations and poor psychological adjustment ability are prone to irritability in high temperature environments;

③ People who are not good at communication and expression. This type of people is not good at self-regulation and handling when they encounter troubles, and they have nowhere to talk, and they are more likely to lose control of their emotions.

Women's emotions and troubles.  (Photo AC)
Emotional heatstroke (Photo AC)

In daily life, “emotional heat stroke” is often overlooked by people, and is regarded as a normal physiological reaction in a high temperature environment. As everyone knows, it is due to the psychological and emotional problems caused by the hot external environment. So why do our emotions get heatstroke? In addition to the objective causes of high temperature, the internal cause of “emotional heat stroke” is ultimately the human body’s insufficient adaptability to the environment. We must not underestimate “emotional heatstroke”, it will damage people’s physical and mental health, especially for those patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, frequent temper tantrums due to emotional heatstroke are likely to cause myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia or Blood pressure rises, and even sudden death occurs.

Editor in charge: Li Zhi

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