Paja Alta, at the foot of the Somuncura plateau, an example of this

2023-06-18 08:44:00

The photos of this production are courtesy of the Enbhiga NGO.

There is a rebirth of the places in Patagonia.

Some recovery is beginning to be seen on the part of its people from these places that are generally inhospitable and isolated. And forgotten by the majority of the governments on duty -regardless of the orbit they are-.

An example of this phenomenon is what is happening now in Paja Alta, located 30 kilometers from Valcheta, on the way to the Somuncura plateaua paradise of 25,000 kms that keeps hundreds of natural species of flora and fauna, in addition to being one of the most important water reservoirs in the world.

Last week some 30 families met at this point in Rio Negro territory with a firm purpose: build valuable relationships in the medium and long term between them to rethink the rural and the urban to generate their own development model.

Around here, in Paja Alta and the Somuncura plateau, you can breathe one of the purest air in the world.

Among other voices, members of the Piri family, the nurse Luis Jaramillo who retired in Valcheta and now wants to spend the rest of his life in the countryside, were heard at the meeting. Mercedes, Virginia and Elpidio Piris, Juan Lucero, Gustavo Guentelaf, Nieve Pailemán, Nancy Bellini, Quiroga, Carmona, Guerra, Jara, Pérez, Carlos Snaimon, Chagallo and Javier Luquet, among others, were also present.

“Here we have cattle and sheep farms, streams, springs, springs, hills, incredible flora, as well as its people,” the neighbors said.

On June 4, they formed the “Paja Alta Neighborhood Association” because by law they cannot be a development commissioner. “It is one of the many errors of the “State”, they commented… “but it doesn’t matter… what is worth and encourages us to get together is that we see that every day someone is returning to the field: this is the good news for us. We are ceasing to be few”, they confided to “Río Negro”.

Prior to this date there were many meetings last year and also in this first semester, where voices like those of Jorgelina and Pascual Railef reported an inexplicable and devastating abandonment.

These thirty families lack gas, electricity, connectivity, neighborhood roads, health… the list goes on. But unlike previous years, now we are here, firm, with the demand to be better, not to give away our land or lose the little we have achieved throughout our lives”, they added. “Whether local, provincial or national, the governments, although they admit that precariousness here has no limits, excuse themselves that there are no people or a development commission to make them feel forced to do something… all lies,” they emphasize.

The urgency, they affirmed, is to build and improve the neighborhood roads. Create posters to identify each of the rural establishments in the area.

The chapel, the place where the inhabitants of Paja Alta meet to share their projects and hopes.

The meetings were always held in the chapel, beautiful and always open to the community. Throughout its history, two weddings were held here.

The sky seems to be falling and is within reach of the hand of the settler who inhabits this region of Río Negro, Paja Alta, 30 km from Valcheta. A sublime view and a unique experience.

From now on, what?

What projects came up? Starting an olive grove, rescuing the vineyards, afforesting, installing beehives to produce honey, raising cattle and proposing new alternatives for rural tourism. Also restore the school, which is closed, to transform it into a center for interpretation and cultural talks and training. “Here we might hold clinics, for example, for gastronomy students so that they get to know and experience meals and foods with local products that would give originality to their creations,” encourages a cultural manager at the meeting, who has been focusing for years on the regional gastronomy industry.

The mission, they say, is “to reverse the state’s negligence towards us and this place; from there, everything”.

Project and collaboration times

“We are sure that we are going to be reborn at the foot of the Somuncura plateau. We can be the central point of a tourist, economic and social corridor that starts from Valcheta, continues through Paja Alta and continues in Somuncura. For this, Javier Luquet from the Alem de Valcheta rural tourism work cooperative is going to advise us in all aspects -from legal to specific to the sector-”, the residents commented to this newspaper.

Collaboration is the sign of these times. Everything is still very uncertain, ambiguous, complex and volatile… this is why the world today is an opportunity to change everything we don’t like and fight for what we aspire to”, says Luquet.

Another of the attendees recognized that in this meeting held on June 4, which consolidates them as a neighborhood group “has allowed us to rediscover ourselves of what we are; we have helped each other to have a deep look inside each other. This is what will give us strength to vitally recover this place in the south of Rio Negro”.

Rethinking the territory and all that this entails: this is the goal from now on.yes, they assert. Valuing its people and its heritage, be it natural, historical, social, gastronomic, artisanal, cultural or artistic.

The opportunity to open up to the world, they hope

Carlos Snaimon, member of the cooperative “El naciente”, will anchor the dance projects in this place. “The impulse that we can give together to the places of Río Negro is much more than a job of integration and training, it is an opportunity to open up to the world,” he affirms.

“From this move it is clear that there are low-cost sustainable and social housing projects; training courses on renewable energy, tourism and gastronomy”, they enthused.

For now, they are now looking for white paint, cement, sheet metal, water pipes and a water tank for the school. (consult for donations to whatsapp 2944501931).

Tourist services, another focus of interest for the residents of Paja Alta to offer tourists and visitors.

On June 4, these thirty residents agreed and promised to get down to work with determination, innovation and creativity to breathe new life into Paja Alta.

Thus, the authentic and original, the traditional and the modern, the transparent and honest will be the variables for the development they are willing to achieve in this life.

“We are hopeful that once and for all the agencies and governments on duty will come to us, not only to see and see us, but also to work together and organically. Now we have the unique opportunity to not only generate work but also quality food for our neighbors, for example. To guide them to connect with nature here. To produce textiles for design businesses in the region…”, the self-summoned neighbors invite.

March 19 is the anniversary of this place. “Next year will find us being part of a new Patagonian map,” they hope. They trust that there is a young and adult sector that, when it comes to migrating today, focuses on other territories, such as rural areas. And that once they arrive, these rural environments are revitalized in every way. “For now, this June 20 we will raise the flag like never before, making our homeland at the foot of the plateau,” they conclude.



At the foot of the Somoncura plateau: like you’ve never seen it before

TO STUNNING WITH THIS PARADISE. . . . Photos of Jose Luis Giambirtone, Oscar Cassiba, Carlos Snaimon, Matthias Grane and Ramiro Ojeda.

#Paja #Alta #foot #Somuncura #plateau



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