2023-06-17 15:58:00
Since Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine, the development of national sovereignty appears to be one of the major strategic challenges, allowing France to maintain its autonomy of action and strengthen its industrial capacities. A necessity in the field of defence.
The issue of sovereignty
“There is a need to invest and finance the defense industry”, affirms the deputy of Seine-et-Marne member of the national defense commission, Jean-Louis Thériot. To support companies in their development, but also to enable the emergence of innovative solutions and support them. This is also the reason for the creation of the Defense Innovation Fund managed by the Defense Innovation Agency (AID), which supports the processes of technological maturation and skills development. But, Jean-Louis Thériot for his part deplores the excessively cautious behavior of potential investors, but also of compliance specialists, who do not always take “the measurement of the stakes” related to the sector.
“Investors should understand that there is nothing more noble than investing in defence”, argues Marwan Lahoud, CEO of Tikehau Capital Private Equity. The opportunity to do some pedagogy and to remember that a war economy also finances territories and jobs. “Financing defense means investing in industry and contributing to reindustrialisation, this concerns the country’s economy”he continues.
“Investing in the defense tool is profoundly citizen”maintains François Mattens, co-founder of Defense Angels, who speaks of a “a real desire to take an interest in these issues” and a change in citizens’ mentality with regard to the defense industry: indeed, according to an IFOP survey commissioned by the Council of French Defense Industries, in 2021, 64% of French people have a good image of the sector. The perception of the defense industry has evolved and might thus make it possible to diversify its financing possibilities, in particular through savings.
Preparing for the future
With 10 billion euros allocated to innovation in the next Military Programming Law, the Defense Innovation Agency thus wishes “preparing for the future” and ensure that a solid industrial fabric is maintained. Because financing the defense tool, according to the director of the Defense Innovation Agency (AID), Patrick Aufort, is “which makes it possible to finance R&D and the future competitiveness of our industry. We are at a key moment, if we don’t fund now, we don’t fund the future”, he hammers. There is therefore a need to facilitate investments in the defense tool and to develop a level of funding consistent with France’s strategic ambitions.