How Inflation Accelerates Safe Haven Saturation

2023-06-17 08:47:36

While inflation has weighed heavily on household budgets for more than a year, its consequences do not only affect our shopping basket. Our hairballs are also victims of the increase in the cost of living because, for lack of means, many households decide to part with their animal, which caused a 15% increase in abandonments in the first quarter of 2023.

The president of the SPA, Jacques-Charles Fombonne, thus deplored at the microphone of RTL the situation of the shelters already almost at saturation: “6,400 animals are present today while our nominal capacity is 7,500”.

These figures are all the more alarming as the summer period, which each year represents a peak in abandonments due to departures on vacation, is fast approaching.

The difficult economic context also has a negative impact on adoptions, 25% of French people delaying them for financial reasons linked to inflation, while 21% give up altogether according to a survey carried out by OpinionWay for the SPA.

#Inflation #Accelerates #Safe #Haven #Saturation



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