World Day of Grandparents and Elderly: Celebrating Mercy from Generation to Generation

2023-06-16 16:56:00

Pope Francis issued a message celebrating the third World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, with the theme “His Mercy from generation to generation”. He encouraged young people preparing to participate in the World Youth Day to visit the elderly living alone, and also encouraged grandparents and the elderly to accompany the youth participating in the World Youth Day in prayer.

(Vatican News Network)Whether it’s a hug, a chat, or a visit, it’s important to “do something” to “honor” the grandparents and seniors, not make them feel alone and abandoned. This is what Pope Francis said in his message for the third World Day of Grandparents and Elderly. This year, the universal church celebrates World Grandparents and Elderly Day on Sunday, July 23. The Pope issued a proclamation on the theme of “His mercy from generation to generation” (Luke 1:50).

Youth participating in the World Youth Day are invited to visit the elders
The Pope began by writing that “the Church, like society, needs” the elderly. “They today pass on the history of the past that is necessary to build the future. Let us honor them, let us give them company and not make them feel abandoned!” So the Pope encouraged the youth: “For you, these are ready to leave for Lisbon For young people who will experience the World Youth Day locally, I would like to say: Before you go, go see your grandparents, visit an elder who lives alone! Their prayers will protect you, and you will have the blessing of meeting them Keep it in your heart.”

accompany the children in prayer
Then, the Pope turned to the elderly. You should accompany the young people who are preparing to participate in the World Youth Day with “prayer. These young people are God’s answer to your prayers, they are the fruits of your sowing, and God has not abandoned his Son.” signs of the people, and always rejuvenate them with the novelty of the Holy Spirit”.

Intergenerational meeting
Afterwards, the Pope spoke about the theme of this World Day of Grandparents and Elderly Message “His mercy from generation to generation”. He stated: “The Holy Spirit blesses and accompanies every fruitful encounter between different generations, between grandparents and grandchildren, between youth and elders. In fact, God wants young people to be like the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth. Let us also rejoice in the hearts of the elderly and draw wisdom from their life experience.” The Pope repeated: “The Lord does not want us to leave the elderly alone and place them on the margins of life, unfortunately. What’s amazing is that this happens a lot today.”

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God’s style of work
The Pope emphasized that “in order to better accept God’s way of acting” one person also needs another person, because the greatest reality and the best dream are not achieved overnight, but through growth and maturity”. This growth and Maturity is always “on the journey, in the conversation, in the relationship.” So those who are only in the moment, in their own interests, grab fast and greedy, get everything ‘all and right away’, they throw away God’s style of action. “

looking to the future
Indeed, the plan of God’s love spans past, present and future, “connecting” the generations “beyond ourselves”. Yet “each of us matters and is called to go beyond”. The Pope encouraged: “Let us look to the future! Let us be shaped by God’s grace, passed on from generation to generation, so that we can break free from ruts and obsess over the past!”

Finally, the Pope wrote: “Dear grandparents, dear older brothers and sisters, may the blessing of the embrace of the Virgin Mary and Elizabeth be upon you and fill your hearts with peace. My affectionate Bless you. Please also pray for me.”


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