Breaking News: Nusrat Chaudhary Makes History as First Muslim Woman Federal Judge in the US

2023-06-16 16:25:12

The US Senate on Thursday elected civil rights activist Nusrat Chaudhary as the first Muslim woman federal judge in American judicial history. Nusrat Chaudhary, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Illinois, received 49 of 50 votes.

Nusrat is the first federal judge of Bangladesh origin. Nusrat spent most of his professional career with the ACLU. There she worked on racial justice, policing and government surveillance of Muslim communities.

She was the Deputy Director of the organization’s Racial Justice Program from 2018 to 2020. Before this, US President Joe Biden nominated Nusrat to the federal bench in January 2022.

#Nusrat #Jahan #Americas #female #Muslim #federal #judge



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