“Diablo 4” 91-level expert Druid died inexplicably while reading, and the cause of death only wrote “environmental” factors | 4Gamers

2023-06-16 04:30:09

As the saying goes, “the general environment is not good” is used to describe the plight of career or life, but I didn’t expect that this word would also be the definition of the cause of death of a character in the Blizzard system. Another high-level expert druid character from Diablo IV has disappeared forever, but his death is not innocent, because the trouble with Blizzard servers this time is very strange.

Just yesterday (15th), the 91-level expert mode character of the overseas live host Quin died. Death is always a risk in the dangerous dungeon, but the cause of Quin’s death was not fighting, but returning to Kiowaxia died during the read.

According to the live record, Quin pressed the teleport on the shield barrier following finishing the dungeon to return to Kiowaxia. Unexpectedly, halfway through the screen reading, the system suddenly jumped out, indicating that his character had fallen, which made him unacceptable for a while. After all, he also invested 173 hours in it.

The most interesting thing is that the Blizzard system determined that the death of Quin’s character was caused by the “Environment”. The similar plot sparked heated discussions in overseas communities.

Of course, some viewers tried to speculate that the real cause of Quin’s death might be the environmental lightning in the dungeon, the barrier may disappear at the moment the character teleports to Kiowaxia, and his druid may die at that moment, but this theory Hard to confirm from live footage.

In any case, Quin’s Druid will never come back. Although Blizzard’s activities such as the world’s top 1,000 expert roles have not yet ended, this is undoubtedly a kind of reward for those who have invested 173 hours and want to do it once more. Tortured, and this kind of incident once once more highlights the biggest hidden danger of the expert mode is the stability of the official server.

#Diablo #91level #expert #Druid #died #inexplicably #reading #death #wrote #environmental #factors #4Gamers



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