Kocher/Maurer/Raab: Law to implement the “work-life balance” directive was introduced in parliament

2023-06-16 08:45:37

Measure to increase fathers’ participation in care and nursing tasks – family time bonus is doubled

Vienna (OTS) On Wednesday, the law to implement the directive on work-life balance for parents and carers, also known as the “work-life balance directive”, was introduced as an initiative motion in parliament. This initiative application serves to implement an EU directive that provides for greater involvement of fathers in the care of children and caregiving relatives.

“I welcome the fact that the law implementing the “work-life balance” directive has been introduced in parliament. In a modern working world, in which equality between men and women should be a matter of course, it sends an important signal when we take measures to reconcile family and work. With the implementation of the “work-life balance” directive, we want to promote the sharing of care responsibilities between partners,” emphasizes Labor and Economics Minister Martin Kocher. A committee review is planned so that comments can be taken into account.

The directive provides for the sharing of the maternity leave between both parents. The duration of the parental leave entitlement remains the same until the child is two years old. What is new, however, is that at least two months of the waiting period must be reserved for the other parent if 24 months are used. As a result, paternity leave should be taken up more frequently and the sharing of care between partners should be promoted. From a financial point of view, too, parents do not have to fear any cuts, since the amount of the income-related childcare allowance remains the same regardless of the period of receipt. In the case of a 12-month parental leave, nothing changes.

“Of course, there is no obligation for the other parent to take parental leave. However, if parents want to make full use of the previous parental leave period up to the child’s second year, at least two months are reserved for the other part. In this context, it is important to emphasize that single parents are not affected by this regulation and can continue to take full parental leave until the child is two years old,” Kocher continued.

In addition, easier framework conditions are created for caring relatives. The group of people who can take care leave is being expanded. Previously, care leave might only be used to look following close relatives in the same household. Once the law comes into force, there is no longer a need for a family relationship in order to be able to take advantage of the care leave.

“In terms of equality between women and men and modern family policy, it is particularly important to involve men in father participation at an early stage. For this reason we are making it more attractive and easier to take paternity leave by removing hurdles and introducing double payment. In addition, the protection once morest discrimination in the Equal Treatment Act has been extended and can therefore also be claimed more easily by parents and caring relatives. This is an important step towards strengthening the rights of parents in the workplace and towards a fairer sharing of care and childcare work in shared family life. Both men and women benefit from this,” says Sigi Maurer, chairwoman of the Greens.

Another important measure being implemented is the doubling of the family bonus from 740 euros a month to almost 1,500 euros a month.

“Improving the compatibility of work and family is a central concern. In order to enable more fathers to have family time, we are doubling the family time bonus during the father’s month from 740 euros to over 1,480 euros per month. With this further measure, we want to strengthen family time together and fathers’ participation,” adds Family Minister Susanne Raab.

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Federal Ministry of Labor and Economy
Press department – work

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