2023-06-15 23:35:46
According to Tua Saúde in an article reviewed by the nurse, Manuel Reis, a bath with hot or cold water can combat moods such as sadness (cold) or give a feeling of relaxation and/or rest (hot). .
Benefits of bathing in hot water
The website mentions that showering before bed can help improve sleep because it has an action on the muscular system, fighting tension.
Line followed, the portal indicates that, Since bathing in hot water helps to relax the body, it can also combat headaches, and, as he explains, improve circulation in the head area..
Benefits of bathing in cold water
In the case of cold water, popular belief suggests that at this temperature it can promote the well-being of the skin, counteracting dryness. This is confirmed by: Your Health, what points out that it can also improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, being useful to combat conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.
Like hot water, cold water can kill sore muscles, whether caused by injury or illness. For example, hot and cold compresses are often used to reduce inflammation.
Therefore, he mentions that a cold water bath improves circulation because the blood vessels contract and increase the flow in the search to maintain an adequate body temperature.
What are the dangers of bathing with cold water when it’s hot?
Generally, the areas where the climate is warm is where its inhabitants tend to look for a way to regulate their temperature, and one of the many options is to look for air, either conditioning or through a fan, and why not cool off with a cold water bath.
However, although an expert quoted by The Huffington Post points out that human beings are homeothermic, which in the words of the Royal Spanish Academy means that they have the “capacity for metabolic regulation to keep the body temperature constant and independent of the ambient temperature”, that is to say that when it is cold it stays warm and when it’s hot you sweat, bathing in cold water when it’s hot can be counterproductive.
As he explains, once the cold water has come into contact with the skin, it can produce heat, increasing the temperature.
In addition, he ensures that it is not good for a person who has recently played sports —for example— to bathe with cold water because it might induce a contraction in the arteries, that is, a harmful or dangerous contrast of temperatures, which, as described by the Library National Medicine of the United States (MedlinePlus) on its official page, it might be a Coronary artery spasm is a sudden and temporary narrowing of one of these arteries.
Common symptoms are compression or tightness near or on the chest, and complications of these spasms result in heart attack or arrhythmia.
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