FPÖ – Amesbauer/Herbert: “Black-green police complaints office stands for maximum mistrust of the police and institutions!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-15 15:07:29

Liberals are not available for a left-green criminalizing of police officers!

Vienna (OTS) “The so-called ‘investigation and complaints office’ for cases of police violence, which the black-green federal government wants to install, stands for maximum mistrust of the police officers, but also of state institutions,” criticized FPÖ security spokesman NAbg Hannes Amesbauer and the free spokesman for the public service NAbg. Werner Herbert the plans decided in the last Council of Ministers.

“This complaints office is a green project under ÖVP tolerance, which is intended to put the police under general suspicion. It lacks any objective justification. There is the Ombudsman Board and the Human Rights Council, there are courts and there are also internal police mechanisms that deal with the investigation of suspected cases of police violence,” emphasized Herbert.

“Misconduct by police officers should of course be clarified. But we Liberals are certainly not available for a left-green criminalization of police officers. It is significant that the ÖVP and Minister of the Interior Karner play along here. It is obvious that this is political horse trading. The Greens are allowed to satisfy their left-green hostility to the police and the ÖVP, in return, can continue to haggle. It doesn’t help the population at all and it’s at the expense of the police officers,” emphasized Amesbauer.

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Liberal Parliament Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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