Massive March for Justice and the Disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski: Latest Updates and Controversies

2023-06-15 11:56:12

A massive march was held this Wednesday June 14 at night in the province of Chaco to ask for justice for the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski. So far, the investigation raises as the main hypothesis that of a “femicide planned by the detainees.” In this context of maximum social tension, the president Alberto Fernandez communicated by telephone in the last hours with the governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanichwho at the same time as the mobilization led a campaign event in Sáenz Peña and tried to preserve his image: “I am horrified by fake news campaigns.”

Jorge Capitanich He predicted on social networks a “resounding electoral victory” ahead of the elections on June 18, while a crowd of neighbors gathered in the central square of the Chaco capital to demand “justice” for the disappearance of Cecilia.

the sena family, charged as a co-perpetrator of aggravated homicide by the premeditated concurrence of two or more people as a result of the disappearance of the young woman in the province, is made up of social leaders who have a close link with Governor Capitanich.

Indeed, Emerenciano Sena and Marcela Acuña, “leaders of the Emerenciano Movement”, are Chaco Front candidates. The man is postulating as provincial deputy and the woman as mayor of Resistencia.

Jorge Capitanich in campaign. Photos: Twitter/@jmcapitanich

“Next June 18 defines the option to vote for those we were capable of doing or those who are only capable of speaking and say insults and slander all the time“The governor said on Twitter.

Taking into account the controversial political affiliation of the detainees with the provincial president, Capitanich tried to “detach” from the event that moves the province and He alluded to alleged “extortion” and “manipulation” operations to harm him at the polls.

We are never going to preach hate nor are we going to accept extortion or manipulation. The truth is in the people, and I am confident that next Sunday the electoral victory will be resounding,” Capitanich decreed.

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Before the press that attended the event in Sáenz Peña, Capitanich referred to the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski and asked for clarification of the fact.

“It is a deep pain for us, for our community and for our people. We repudiate this aberrant act and we fight for the fact to be clarified and those responsible pay in jail with the full weight of the law,” said the governor.

“Fake news campaigns horrify me. when what we have to do is help so that the judicial investigation is elucidated,” he denounced.

“The Executive Branch has acted with absolute coherence, systematicity and commitment,” Jorge Capitanich pointed out.

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Telephone communication between Alberto Fernández and Capitanich

The spokesperson for the Presidency, Gabriella Cerrutidetailed to the agency Argentine News that the head of state communicated with the Chaco president to “interiorize the situation” of Cecilia Strzyzowski, who has been missing since June 1.

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Capitanich brought him up to date on the entire situationthat Justice is advancing quickly and that the entire province is engaged in the search for Cecilia,” Cerruti pointed out. In addition, he explained that “the President accompanies the governor in all the measures that must be taken to clarify the case.”

Captain Cecilia Strzyzowski
Cecilia Strzyzowski – Jorge Capitanich.

In turn, according to the agency THATthe Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity of the Nation, Ayelén Mazzina, keeps in touch with the lieutenant governor of Chaco, Analía Rauch Quiroga.

“The Minister is closely following the issue in contact with the family and their legal team, with the interdisciplinary teams that the Ministry has in Chaco and with provincial authorities. He is not expected to travel”, they clarified from the Ministry before a consultation of Argentine News.

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Meanwhile, from the Chaco government they had assured that the telephone contact had not taken place, but later they clarified that Yes, there was a conversation between the President and the Chaco president.

“They spoke. When the Nation said it had not happened, but later it did,” the sources consulted by rectified THATsince they had previously indicated that the communication did not exist.

March for Cecilia Strzyzowski and other “victims of femicide” in Chaco

Massive mobilization in Chaco for the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski. Telam: Pictures

The mobilization took place in the main square of the provincial capital of which Women and entire families participated, calling for “impunity to end in Chaco”.

In this sense, they denounced that there are “many missing persons”, for whom no information is currently known, and other “victims of femicide”.

Telam: Pictures
Gloria Romero, mother of Cecilia Strzyzowski. Telam: Pictures

In fact, the mother of the missing young woman, Gloria Romeroremarked that her daughter was “dismembered” by the detainees, including César Sena, her father Emerenciano Sena and his mother Marcela Acuña.

The march started following 8:00 p.m., following the young woman’s relatives left the legal study where they had met before and, on foot and with Romero in front, they moved to the central plaza.

From bricklayer to millionaire picketer: who is Emerenciano Sena, the social leader arrested for the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowksi

The demonstrators carried a flag with Cecilia’s face and her name graffitied on it. Neighbors accompanied them with signs and applause, while motorists joined the claim with the noise of horns and more people were waiting in the square.

Gloria Romero, mother of Cecilia Strzyzowski. Telam: Pictures
Gloria Romero, mother of Cecilia Strzyzowski. Telam: Pictures

“Let’s shout together, Cecilia is missing!” and “Not one less, we want you alive” were some of the inscriptions raised by the protesters.

They also mentioned other cases in Chaco: “Cecilia, Mariela, present! Now and always!”, in reference to the crime of Mariela Fernández, which occurred in 2017.

“I’m not going to commit suicide”: the testimony of a former employee of Emerenciano Sena

That fact was a femicide for which Facundo López, his former partner, received a life sentence.

Also the disappearance of Jemina Aguirre was remembereda 27-year-old girl who has not been heard from since December 2021.

I did not expect so many people, the accompaniment is impressive. I am Mrs. Rosa who only went out to ask for help because my daughter doesn’t show up. I have no political environment, acquaintances, nothing. I didn’t have a penny and the lawyers asked me for 400,000, 500,000 pennies. Where am I going to get that money?” Romero said.

Telam: Pictures

Furthermore, he added: “We are tired of impunityI think that all of Argentina should come out and say ‘we are tired of impunity, gentlemen’. Excuse me for blocking the street. I don’t like blocking the street, bothering people, but I had no choice.”

This Wednesday is the third gear in less than a week that is carried out in Resistencia to request the appearance of the girl, following the mobilizations of Friday the 9th and Sunday the 11th of June.

Cecilia Strzyzowski case: the defense lawyer resigned due to “irreconcilable differences” with the Sena family

The hypothesis of a “planned femicide” by the detainees is gaining ground

The investigation in Chaco into the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski has as its main hypothesis that of a femicide planned by the detaineesfollowing the anger of the mother-in-law of the victim, Marcela Acuña, for the marriage that her son, César Sena, contracted, without your consentthe agency reported THAT.

That would be the trigger that would have caused the violent event, while the rakes continue to find the woman who is absent since the beginning of June.

acuña was “very angry with her son because he married Strzyzowski without his consent”a situation that caused the Sena family, with the head of the family, Emerenciano, at the head, to not have a good relationship with the victim.

In fact, Cecilia’s mother, Gloria Romero, assured that in October of last year, when the wedding was consummated, they were not Sena’s parents.

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The Sena couple, their son and five other collaborators are detained in the case, but it is not ruled out that there will be more arrests in the next few hours.

Gustavo Melgarejo, landlord of the field in question, was the the only one who declaredsince the rest refused to do so.

The testimony of this man was taken in parts, since he said that he saw her on Sunday, June 4, in one of the two cars that César Sena and other collaborators took to Cecilia. bound and gagged in the backseat.

This prompted searches in the Puerto Tirol field, but with negative results.

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Telam: Pictures

However, sources of the investigation pointed out that beyond the fact that the searches had to be carried out, Melgarejo “It was contradicted with other testimonial statements that are in the case and with photographic shots”.

In addition, the antennas showed that the last location of Strzyzowski was the same Friday June 2 in the pig shop areareason why “it is not possible that that Sunday he might have seen her alive”.

Meanwhile, the results of the bones and blood stains found in the Sena field are expected to be available only next week.


#Case #Cecilia #Strzyzowski #massive #march #Capitanich #victim #insults #slander



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