Cycles: Real H’s recycling program completes 15 years

2023-06-14 18:59:10

According to “Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil 2020”, produced by the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies (ABRELPE), in 2019 the urban solid waste recycling rate in Brazil was less than 4%. That is, for every 100 tons of solid waste produced, less than 4 tons were recycled.

Although the number varies between different regions of the country, the data are still far from meeting the ONU in Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Adopted in 2015, the agenda includes a goal to ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (Meta 12.2)which includes the promotion of material recycling.

However, specific actions are achieving positive results, not only in terms of recycling volume, but also in raising the awareness of social groups on the subject. This is the case of Real H, an animal nutrition and health company that has maintained its own recycling program for over 15 years.

Ciclos Real H was created in 2007 with the aim of inviting employees and their families to separate, at home and in the community, materials such as aluminum, cardboard, glass, plastic, among others. At the company’s headquarters, a structure was built exclusively for receiving and separating material. The action demonstrates positive results, and has already sent more than 1,000 tons of waste for recycling.

The amount collected from the sale of recyclables pays a cash prize, which can vary between R$80 and R$200 for the 12 employees who deliver the largest volumes throughout the month. Another part of the value is destined to the salary of the employees who work in the separation. A third part is destined to the creation and maintenance of improvements for the employees themselves within the industrial unit, such as a games area and library.

In emergency cases, the value of Ciclos can also help workers. That’s what happened when one of them had his house roofed by a windstorm. In a few days, Ciclos released a large part of the resources needed for the renovation.

Last year, during the celebration of the program’s 15th anniversary, Real H tried to listen to the children of employees who participate frequently. Most of them reported that they developed the habit of helping their parents to separate recyclables, which ended up becoming a habit in families and that should reflect on future generations.


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