VKI: VW class action lawsuits – hearing at LG Graz, June 20th, 2023, 2:30 p.m

2023-06-15 07:42:12

Vienna (OTS) The next hearing in the class action lawsuit pending there by the VKI once morest VW AG will take place at the Graz Regional Court for Civil Matters (LG Graz) on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. The proceedings are continuing following an interruption in connection with the preliminary ruling procedure of the European Court of Justice on C-145/20. In the proceedings at LG Graz, the VKI represents around 1,200 victims for whom damage of around 7.2 million euros is claimed. Liability for consequential damage is also claimed.

In its judgment of July 14, 2022, the ECJ had confirmed that a thermal window in the vehicle is fundamentally impermissible and might only be permissible under unlikely conditions (C‑145/20). With the judgment of March 21, 2023, the ECJ had also stated that appropriate damages are due. Taking into account the judgment of the Schleswig-Holstein Administrative Court of February 20, 2023, the affected vehicles may also be threatened with the withdrawal of their registration.

The proceedings at LG Graz are one of 16 class action lawsuits brought before the respective regional courts in Austria on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs (BMSGPK) and the Federal Chamber of Labor (BAK) and with funding from Omni Bridgeway. The total value of this class action is 60 million euros. Around 10,000 victims are represented by the VKI in court. Cases where the vehicle was handed over in the district of the LG Graz are sued at the LG Graz.

VW negotiation at LG Graz

Datum: 06/20/2023, 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m

Ort: Graz District Court, courtroom H, room 44, mezzanine floor
Marburger Kai 49, 8010 Graz Graz, Austria

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