Extension of Emergency Decree: Latest Updates on Southern Border Provinces Unrest

2023-06-14 14:37:00

The Government Gazette announced an extension of the emergency decree in the 3 southern border provinces for another 3 months, as serious incidents still occur to create a situation starting on June 20.

On June 14, 2023, the Royal Gazette website published an announcement on the extension of the period of declaration of an emergency situation. with violence in the local area of ​​Narathiwat Province Except Si Sakhon District Su-ngai Kolok, Waeng and Sukhirin districts Pattani Province except Yaring District, Mayo District, Mai Kaen District and Mae Lan District and Yala Province Except Betong District and Kabang District

According to the extension of the declaration of a serious emergency situation in the area of ​​Narathiwat Province Except Si Sakhon District Su-ngai Kolok, Waeng and Sukhirin districts Pattani Province except Yaring District, Mayo District, Mai Kaen District and Mae Lan District and Yala Province Except Betong District and Kabang District According to the announcement dated March 19, 2023, government officials are able to expand their performance to resolve the unrest in the southern border provinces. and can be arrested violent extremist groups as well as being able to better protect the safety of people in the area

But it appears that there are still serious incidents to create the situation. It also found a hiding place and a hiding place for troops to prepare for the incident. As a result, the violent extremists still have the capability to operate and also intend to cause serious damage by using various forms of violence in the area to harm officials and innocent people. with the aim of creating fear that affects the security of the state and the safety of the public until they cannot live a normal life. Therefore, it is appropriate to extend the period for declaring a serious emergency situation. To achieve continuity in resolving the unrest that affects the security of the state. Safety of life and property of the state and of individuals which requires measures according to the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2005 in solving the problem effectively and promptly. By virtue of Section 5 and Section 11 paragraph one of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548

The Prime Minister, with the approval of the Cabinet, extended the period of time to declare a state of emergency. with violence in the local area of ​​Narathiwat Province Except Si Sakhon District Su-ngai Kolok District Waeng District and Sukhirin District Pattani Province except Yaring District, Mayo District, Mai Kaen District and Mae Lan District and Yala Province Except Betong District and Kabang District out for another 3 months.

This is from June 20, 2023 onwards.

Announced on June 13, 2023

General Prayut Chan-o-cha

Prime Minister

#Announcement #extend #emergency #decree #Southern #border #months #effective #June

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