The Health Benefits of Olive Oil: Why You Should Take It Every Day

2023-06-14 12:59:31

olive oil great for any salad, some fry with it or add a spoonful to their morning smoothie. But what effects does the oil really have on our bodies? And why should you take it every day? We explain to you which positive effects you can expect following taking it.

Olive oil is not just olive oil

First of all, however, it is important to distinguish between the types of olive oil. In the supermarket you are confronted with a number of variants. So there are, among other things

  • cold pressed
  • and extra virgin

to buy olive oil. But what is the difference and which bottle should fitness enthusiasts use?

As the name suggests, cold-pressed olive oil is produced without heat. As a result, more nutrients remain in the product. The health-promoting effect is correspondingly greater.

Extra virgin olive oil is also not to be underestimated. This is the first oil product that is obtained during cold pressing. Sea Fit For Fun is therefore the highest quality and most natural olive oil that you can buy.

It has these positive effects on your body

For your daily dose of oil, you should choose a variant with the above attributes. A teaspoon in the morning should have these effects on you:

Better digestion

Olive oil in small amounts of regarding a teaspoon is said to relieve constipation, have a slight laxative effect and thus make the stool smoother. So if you have problems in the toilet, you are well advised to use this little health trick.

But beware: Excessive consumption can cause intestinal problems. So if you eat a salad with olive oil dressing the same day, you should skip the morning spoon.

Good for the liver

For physical well-being, the organs should also be happy. A spoonful of olive oil a day can help.

In Germany, every third person suffers from an undiagnosed fatty liver. This is caused by being overweight or lack of exercise. Fatty liver can result in inflammation or even liver cancer, researched the North German Radio.

This is where olive oil scores with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This effect sets a Study from 2010 close. It was carried out on rats and showed a significant improvement in symptoms in animals with liver disease.

Important: If you suspect that you are suffering from fatty liver, it is still essential to see a doctor.

Better complexion

Olive oil contains biotin. This is good for hair, nails and skin. The hairstyle looks smoother, the skin becomes softer and brittle nails can be fought with a spoonful of olive oil in the morning. External use on nails or facial skin is also helpful here.

Problems with skin, hair and nails can result from a lack of care or the use of make-up, hair straighteners and nail polish. However, keep in mind that brittle hair, dry skin and cracked or wavy nails can also be indicators of deficiency symptoms or other diseases.

If you cannot rule out that the symptoms are only due to the factors mentioned above, you should also visit your family doctor. A small blood count can already provide information here.

Olive oil helps, but it can also have consequences

As you can see, regular intake of olive oil can have positive effects on your body. However, you shouldn’t look at it as a panacea. If you have serious symptoms, neither the oil nor vitamin supplements and the like will help and then you should see a doctor.

The best thing for your health is and will always be enough exercise and a balanced diet. Quitting vices such as excessive alcohol consumption or smoking are also strongly recommended. We’ll tell you here how often sport is really necessary. Regular intake of these four superfoods can also improve your general well-being.

Also, keep in mind that foods like avocados, olives, kale, and mushrooms are already high in healthy fats. If you incorporate this into your nutrition plan and also consume a spoonful of olive oil, you quickly run the risk of consuming too much fat. This can also reverse the effects mentioned above and lead to intestinal problems or a bad complexion.

Quelle: Fit For Fun, „Effects of olive oil and its fractions on oxidative stress and the liver’s fatty acid composition in 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-treated rats“ (Nutrition & Metabolism, 2010), NDR, eigene Recherche

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