2023-06-14 18:23:05
FPÖ motion regarding “No to the obligation to renovate and to the ban on oil and gas heating”
Vienna (OTS) – “Prisoners should never have received the climate bonus – that would have been a logical approach. Likewise, asylum seekers and bogus asylum seekers are not allowed to get this climate bonus,” said the liberal environmental spokesman NAbg. Walter Rauch in his contribution to the debate on the Climate Bonus Act.
“The reason for the payment of the climate bonus was that the CO2 ‘penalty tax’ means there is an additional burden for the working population. However, asylum seekers and prisoners live on social assistance anyway at the expense of the Austrian state and the taxpayers, so they do not fall into the circle of recipients at all. We Liberals, however, reject the climate bonus overall because we also reject the CO2 ‘penalty tax’ – it is a big price driver. This is also the green inflation, which the Greens are bringing to Austria disproportionately compared to other countries,” Rauch explained.
“Furthermore, the climate bonus is paid out in different amounts in different regions – the basic basis is 110 euros. For example, citizens of the municipality of Bad Radkersburg receive a smaller climate bonus than all other municipalities on the southern border – but Radkersburg is on the same infrastructural line of public transport. Why now in certain regions one gets more or less is unfair, unrealistic and anti-social. And if you live in a metropolitan area like Vienna, but don’t commute there, you get a lower climate bonus in Vienna. But if you commute from Vienna, you also have a disadvantage with the increasing costs. So the government only finances in one direction and therefore this bonus should simply be rejected,” said the FPÖ environmental spokesman.
In the further course of his speech, the FPÖ environment spokesman also submitted a motion in which the black-green federal government and in particular the environment minister were asked to refrain from plans that would lead to compulsory renovation of buildings and a de facto ban on oil and gas gas heaters and would completely overwhelm Austrian house and apartment owners economically, to distance themselves and to take a decisive stand once morest such anti-property tendencies at EU level. “This is the suggestion made by the Greens in the federal government in Germany. In the end, the citizens are forced to be happy, but they cannot afford this measure. If you have to technically finance a heating conversion for a building in this way, that is far above the costs that our government wants to support one day,” said Rauch.
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