Diocese of Bafang Organizes Environmental Protection Awareness Week: 800 Trees Planted to Combat Deforestation in Cameroon

2023-06-14 14:28:47

The diocese of Bafang, in the West region of Cameroon, organized an awareness week on environmental protection. From June 5 to 8, 2023, the Christian faithful reforested Mount Liha’a, a diocesan pilgrimage site, located in the locality of Baku. A total of 800 tree seedlings were planted.

The faithful of the diocese of Bafang wanted to take concrete action in order to repair the damage caused to nature during the realization of certain projects since the creation of the diocese, ten years ago already. It was in the presence of Bishop Abraham Komè, Ordinary of Bafang, members of the National Agency for Support to Forest Development and the Prefect of the Department of Haut Nkam. The inhabitants of this Cameroonian region also wanted to apply the recommendations of Pope Francis contained in Laudato Si’. The encyclical published in May 2015 addresses the issue of safeguarding creation and broadens it to that of improving the relationship between God, humans and the earth.

800 seedlings planted

A total of 800 tree seedlings were planted. This action was accompanied by a round table moderated by the Jesuit priest Alain Michel Tang, parish priest of Notre-Dame-de-l’Annonciation-de-Bonamoussadi, on the theme of the preservation of the ecosystem and the notion of sustainable development. A solemn mass was presided over by the bishop of the diocese of Bafang, Mgr Abraham Komè, who reiterated the urgency of acting together to protect the environment and promote life.

Continue tending young plants

Christian Sime, branch manager of the National Forestry Development Support Agency for the West and North-West Regions of Cameroon, said he was delighted with the smooth running of “this first phase”. He hopes that the same enthusiasm observed will continue in “the maintenance of these plants”. “We dare to believe that the same mobilization of hearts, minds and bodies will extend to the maintenance work of what we have done and which is only the beginning, because there are still plenty of other projects going in the same direction, in order to take advantage of the conditions which prevail on this site”, he launched.

For Jean-Pierre Kadji, head of the Diocesan Council of the Laity of the diocese of Bafang, this gesture in favor of the protection of nature, a gift from God, is “commendable”. He appreciated the presence and participation of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities. He asks that this idea and this action be perpetuated and also take place in parishes, homes and throughout society.

Do not cut trees “anyhow”

Father Frédéric Djouyep, parish priest of Saints Peter and Paul of Baku where Mount Liha’a is located, site of the diocesan pilgrimage, called for awareness. “In general, people are like everyone else. That is to say, there are those who do uncontrolled felling and others cut trees out of necessity. So that everyone becomes aware of the fact that we should no longer cut trees anyhow, because our lives are at stake”.

The Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, Cameroon has approximately 22 million hectares of forest, or nearly 46% of the total area of ​​the country. In addition, more than 20 species of wood are exploited on the Cameroonian market. However, the destruction of the rainforests of this Central African country is progressing at an annual rate of 0.6%, while the country is ranked among the five largest exporters of logs in the world. The proliferation of illegal practices in this area is regularly decried by civil society organizations, because it leads to an overproduction of carbon dioxide, which is one of the main greenhouse gases, the cause of global warming.

(Vatican News)

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