Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon, entre soft reboot et hard robots – Actu

2023-06-14 14:00:00

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The idea may surprise given the proximity to its release date – but nevertheless understandable when we consider the very particular progression curve which characterizes the handling of these enormous mechas, a learning time not necessarily adapted to the sessions of limited time game by complete neophytes. According to these short images, this sixth episode will not mark so much an opening towards the general public (at least, not on this aspect) as an evolution in line with the last two encrypted episodes.

It was from Armored Core 4 (under the direction of Hidetaka Miyazaki, well) that the license marked a break with the PS2 generation, offering its title robots a versatility of movement still unequaled in the air by changes on energy management, but also the introduction of a mechanism of quick boost : an instantaneous propulsion making it easier to dodge enemy attacks – but also to quickly approach a target to deliver a fatal blade blow. A seemingly innocuous, yet deeply impactful tweak to gameplay feel, accompanied by expanded mission environments.

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You’ve got boost power

A notion of speed that can be found in the short demo presented by Bandai Namco: then at ease as ever in the air, the AC avatar traversed in just a few seconds large plots of land in an impressive industrial site, setting foot on the ground (so to speak) only for a very short time, the (short) time of an automatic energy recharge. There is something striking in the expanse of the map scrolling before our eyes… Which remains surprisingly intact despite the salvoes of missiles sent into every corner. We bet that the destructible environments ofArmored Core 4 will return, one way or another. However, we are happy to see that its more streamlined interface is making a comeback, far from the number mess of Verdict Day. With Armored Core, less is often more.

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The combat sequences have also kept an important liveliness and the quick dodges play a key role. More generally, it is the whole body-to-body approach that seems to be put forward in Fires of Rubicon with the addition of “assault boost”, a rapid burst of speed towards the opponent to inflict a powerful melee attack in a style reminiscent of the Gundam Extreme Versus series. Now sensitive to heatingenemy mechs are all the more perfect targets for close quarters combat, which accounted for a good portion of staged encounters.

Excuse the quick departure from our promise, but another novelty will surely tickle seasoned gamers. soulsborne : the introduction of the repair kit, a healing object for his mecha when putting him in the field. Usable up to 3 times during a mission, this vial of Estus who wouldn’t dare to say his name could well upset the course of the missions. Being able to patch up your bike halfway through makes it possible to imagine expeditions considerably longer than before, where the license used to complete them in less than ten minutes. It now remains to find out if all damage incurred in the field will be invoiced in the accounts at the end of the mission.

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Although it is now possible to repair errors of distraction on the spot, a badly managed trap will always mean certain death – like the impromptu arrival of a large enemy quadruped from the ceiling which marked the first game over of this short demo. Never mind, this incongruous death was there to show the return of the system of checkpoint already present since Armored Core V – but also and above all the possibility of adjusting the build of his mecha before resuming the game. A small revolution when you know the importance of a small adjustment in the success of an objective: here, changing the legs of your AC with a lighter and more mobile model makes it much easier to do battle with this new tough, but clumsy opponent .

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Go big or go home

The presentation ends with a boss fight” in the purest tradition FromSoftware »: a huge mobile foundry equipped with two mechanical arm-rollers capable of sending molten lava. Where the license preferred AC duels over boss fights more traditional, Fires of Rubicon could multiply this kind of confrontation against enemies unique in their kind – with, who knows, the return of a mobile fortress way Spirit of Motherwill d’Armored Core 4. The first trailer potentially hints at this kind of David vs. Goliath-style fight – but we’ll beware of any further speculation.

At the end of the demo, many questions remain – as much on the progress of the missions as on all the multiplayer part announced as being exclusively dedicated to PvP modes. No question of reviewing the missions in cooperation withArmored Core V, SO. We will have to take our troubles patiently before discovering more, the release date ofArmored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon being set for August 25 on consoles and PC. In addition, the title will benefit from Smart Delivery on Xbox and a free upgrade to the PS5 version.

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