Green Industry Bill – Senate

2023-06-12 22:00:00

Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on June 13, 2023

on behalf of the Committee on Constitutional Laws, Legislation, Universal Suffrage, Regulations and General Administration (1) on the bill relating to theindustry verte
(accelerated procedure),

By Mr. Jean-Yves ROUX,

(1) This committee is made up of:
Mr. Francois-Noel Buffetpresident ;
Ms. Catherine Di Folco, Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie, MM. Christophe-André Frassa, Jérôme Durain, Marc-Philippe Daubresse, Philippe Bonnecarrère, Ms. Nathalie Goulet, Mr. Thani Mohamed Soilihi, Ms. Cécile Cukierman, Maryse Carrère, MM. Alain Marc, Guy Benarrochevice-presidents; Mr. André Reichardt, Ms. Laurence Harribey, Muriel Jourda, Agnès Canayersecretaries; Ms. Éliane Assassi, MM. Philippe Bas, Arnaud de Belenet, Mrs. Nadine Bellurot, Catherine Belrhiti, Esther Benbassa, MM. François Bonhomme, Hussein Bourgi, Mme Valérie Boyer, M. Mathieu Darnaud, Mmes Françoise Dumont, Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, M. Pierre Frogier, Mme Françoise Gatel, MM. Loïc Hervé, Patrick Kanner, Éric Kerrouche, Jean-Yves Leconte, Henri Leroy, Stéphane Le Rudulier, Mrs. Brigitte Lherbier, MM. Didier Marie, Hervé Marseille, Mrs. Marie Mercier, MM. Alain Richard, Jean-Yves Roux, Jean-Pierre Sueur, Mrs. Lana Tetuanui, Mrs. Dominique Théophile, Mrs. Claudine Thomas, Dominique Vérien, Mrs. Dany Wattebled.

#Green #Industry #Bill #Senate



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