Updates on Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive: Live Coverage and Latest News

2023-06-13 21:55:54

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Has Ukraine suffered heavy losses since the start of its counter-offensive? The Russian President, Vladimir Poutine, affirmed, Tuesday June 13, that the Ukrainian army suffered enormous damage since she launched her counter-offensive. “The losses are approaching a level that can be described as catastrophic”he said, claiming that the Russian losses “are ten times less”. For its part, kyiv claims to be progressing. Ihe commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, Valéry Zaluzhny, once more reported on Tuesday “advances”. “Heavy offensive and defensive fighting is taking place in the east and south of our nation”he said on the networks. “We have gains, we are applying our plan, and we are moving forward”, he added. Follow our live.

A lack of high-precision ammunition and drones in Russia’s arsenal. “It became clear that several things were missing: high-precision ammunition, communication equipment, drones,” said Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Russian war correspondents. “We have some, but not in sufficient quantity, unfortunately”, he added. Moreover, Russia might have been, according to him, “better prepared” drone and artillery attacks on its territory from Ukraine.

Paris denounces digital interference from Moscow. France on Tuesday accused Russia of carrying out a vast operation of digital interference, in particular by publishing false articles from major French dailies hostile to Ukraine. No attempt at manipulation will deter France from supporting Ukraine in the face of the Russian war of aggression. The French authorities are working closely with their partners to defeat the hybrid warfare led by Russia.”ensures the Quai d’Orsay in a press release.

Eleven people killed in Russian strikes on Kryvyi Rig. A residential building was hit at dawn on Tuesday by a missile strike in this town in the Dnipropetrovsk region. At least 28 other people were injured, 12 of whom were hospitalized, the head of Kryvyi Rig’s military administration said on Telegram. On TwitterPresident Volodymyr Zelensky presented his “Condolences to all those who have lost a loved one”.

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