Participate in Special Military Operations as a Volunteer or Contracted Serviceman in Russia

2023-06-13 09:58:04

Residents of Russia can become participants in a special operation of their own free will. Who will be taken to the SVO, told on the portal “Explain.rf”.

A citizen can enter the military service under a contract or enroll in a volunteer detachment to participate in a special military operation. To do this, you must come to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of stay and declare your readiness to conclude a contract for military service or join a volunteer detachment. You can choose a military registration and enlistment office convenient for visiting and sign up through the “Gosuslugi”.

Who is considered a volunteer?

Russians can volunteer to go to the NVO as a soldier or take part in a volunteer detachment. Volunteer units, as well as military units, participate in hostilities.

  • A volunteer can be:
  • Male under the age of 60.
  • Citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Having experience in military service or having passed training / have experience in shooting sports or work in a law enforcement agency / membership in a hunting public organization or a Cossack society.
  • The state of health has no formal restrictions and is assessed on an individual basis when appearing at the military registration and enlistment office.

What is important! From September 21, 2022, the same conditions apply for volunteers as for those mobilized. An employment contract with a volunteer is not terminated, but suspended. That is, the workplace for him will be saved.

A contract with a member of a volunteer detachment is concluded for a period of three months.

The monetary allowance for participating in a special military operation is from 195 thousand rubles. per month. The final amount depends on the military rank, military position held and additional incentive bonuses.

Contract service

Citizens over the age of 18 with a basic general education can conclude a contract for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Their health must meet the requirements, so they will need to undergo a medical examination at the military commissariat.

“To enter the military service under the contract, you should contact the selection point or the military commissariat. You can also apply on the contract service website. rf or the State Services portal.

The contract with the Ministry of Defense is for one year, three years or five years.

Contracted servicemen participating in a special operation are paid:

  • monetary allowance, taking into account additional and compensation payments from 204 thousand rubles. per month.
  • other payments:

– from 50 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles for the destruction or seizure of weapons and military equipment of the enemy;
– 8 thousand rubles. daily for participation in active offensive operations;
– 50 thousand rubles. for each kilometer of advance as part of the assault squads.

#selection #criteria



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