Morocco’s Ministry of Energy Transition Announces Massive Investment in Renewable Energy to Reduce Electricity Bills

2023-06-12 18:30:00

In an effort to reduce the country’s electricity bill, which amounts to several billion dirhams each year, Morocco’s Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development has announced a significant increase in investment in renewable energy. Between 2023 and 2027, the pace of investment will increase more than three times compared to the period from 2009 to 2022, rising from about 4 billion dirhams per year to an annual average of 14 billion dirhams.

In a presentation to members of the House of Representatives’ Infrastructure, Energy, Mining and Environment Committee, Energy Transition Minister Laila Benali highlighted the five-fold increase of wind power development, increasing from about 101 megawatts per year to about 507 megawatts per year over the same period.

The Minister thus announced the programming of an additional capacity of 2,535 megawatts of wind energy, requiring an investment of approximately 35 billion dirhams, as well as the programming of an additional capacity of 3,590 megawatts of solar energy, with a investment of approximately 30 billion dirhams, for the period from 2023 to 2027. In addition, an additional capacity of 350 megawatts of hydroelectric energy will be programmed with an investment of approximately 3.2 billion dirhams.

According to official data revealed by the Minister, the development of solar energy will increase twelvefold from about 60 megawatts per year to about 720 megawatts per year between 2009 and 2021. Similarly, the development of hydroelectric energy will increase twenty-three times from about 3 megawatts per year to about 70 megawatts per year between 2023 and 2027.

The Minister also mentioned several important projects, including five wind projects aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the national phosphate industry, seven solar photovoltaic projects and twenty-four medium-sized solar photovoltaic projects. and small. These projects will contribute to a total capacity of more than 1,000 megawatts, with considerable investments, she said.

In addition, the Ministry of Energy Transition plans to put in place regional energy efficiency and decarbonisation plans, with the support of a British fund, in order to identify projects allowing significant energy savings. It also aims to develop an information system to track and monitor energy efficiency nationwide and to support energy efficiency projects.

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Thus, Minister Benali announced specific measures, such as the reconstruction of the wind farm “ Koudia Al Baida and the acceleration of the Noor Midelt 1 project with a capacity of approximately 795 megawatts, noting that the Noor Midelt 2 project, with a capacity of approximately 300 megawatts, will be carried out in two phases.

In addition, the government official confirmed the continuation of the energy rehabilitation program for mosques, with the rehabilitation of more than 4,470 mosques across the country, allowing a reduction of at least 40% in the energy bill of mosques. A call for tenders has been launched for the rehabilitation of 1,800 mosques. She also highlighted the selection of buildings with high potential for energy savings under the framework agreement signed with the Ministry of Justice for the development of energy efficiency in buildings, both at central level than regional.

Finally, the Minister highlighted the collaboration of four ministries and sixteen public institutions to integrate energy efficiency and monitor its results within the framework of excellence in public administration. A support program for energy efficiency, worth 220 million dirhams, was launched in partnership with international cooperation.

This program aims to reduce energy consumption in 300 public and service buildings, as well as in 70 industrial companies, while improving the energy efficiency of public lighting in ten local authorities, she concluded.

#Morocco #multiplies #investments

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