Investigation on Cow Abuse in Japan: Shocking TikTok Video Goes Viral

2023-06-13 05:20:56

A video was posted on TikTok showing a man kicking and hitting a dairy cow in what appeared to be a breeding barn, and Shimane Prefectural Police began an investigation on suspicion of violating the Animal Welfare Law (animal abuse).

The prefectural livestock department said in an interview that following investigating farms in the prefecture, it acknowledged that employees had kicked the animals and apologized. Why on earth did such an act take place?

  • Why was the cow kicked? (Photo is an image)

  • A man kicking a cow (from a video posted on TikTok)

    A man kicking a cow (from a video posted on TikTok)

  • Why was the cow kicked?  (Photo is an image)
  • A man kicking a cow (from a video posted on TikTok)

A male ranch employee apologizes, saying, “I’m very sorry.”

There are at least two videos, and the prefectural government believes they were both the actions of the same person.

Looking at one of them, a man in work clothes wearing a hat and white boots kicked the cow’s face with his right foot while pulling a rope attached to the cow’s nose. Then, hooking his rope to the barn pillar, he pulled the cow’s face and kicked his neck up with his right foot. The kick is repeated four times.

In another video, a man hits the cow’s jaw with his right hand while pulling on the cow’s rope. Also, the cow was raging with fingers on his face. The man then punches the cow in the neck with his right hand. This time he was kicking his neck up with his right leg and kicking him in the face as well.

These two videos were picked up on Twitter on June 10th, 2023 for being too gross. At that time, it was named as a ranch in Shimane Prefecture. This post has been retweeted more than 1,000 times, and the video has been reprinted and spread.

Perhaps because of this uproar, the TikTok account that posted the video was deleted by the 12th.

On the 13th, the Livestock Division of Shimane Prefecture responded to an interview with J-CAST News on the 11th, grasped the video posting, and conducted an investigation to confirm the facts on the 12th. He acknowledged the actions in the video and apologized.

“As far as I can see from the video, the rope was pulled strongly, kicked, hit, and held the cow’s eye. The employee did not give a clear explanation as to why he did this. I heard that he apologized saying, ‘I’m very sorry, I’m sorry.’

Shimane Prefecture “Clearly violent, subject to criminal punishment”

It’s not clear when the video was taken, but he said he heard that the employee put down his smartphone and took a selfie. He then revealed that he posted it on TikTok himself. He said he has yet to hear why he posted.

“If you hurt a cow like this, it will damage their health and reduce their productivity. I have never heard of such an act in the prefecture.”

It was also revealed that the Shimane Prefectural Police Department had received a report and entered the ranch to investigate. It seems that this employee has been suspended from work by the ranch and is waiting at home.

The Pharmaceutical Affairs and Health Division of Shimane Prefecture, which is in charge of animal welfare, said in an interview that it was aware that a video of a cow being kicked had gone viral.

“If you look at the video, you can see that the cow’s head is tied with a rope and kicked. It’s a clear act of violence and I think it will be subject to criminal punishment. The public health center has secured a route to contact the ranch and confirmed the facts. I would like to provide information to the police.”

Article 44 of the Animal Welfare Law stipulates that “a person who kills or injures protected animals such as cows without reason shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine of not more than 5 million yen.”

The Shimane Prefectural Police Department said in an interview:

“I know that the video is circulating, and I have received information regarding it. This matter is under investigation on suspicion of violating the Animal Welfare Act. I will refrain from commenting on whether an interview was conducted. “

J-CAST News has been requesting coverage by email from the 12th to the ranch that is said to have acted in the video.

(Hiroyuki Noguchi, J-CAST News Editorial Department)

#Hitting #kicking #dairy #cows.. #Controversial #TikTok #video #spread #Shimane #Prefecture #Livestock #Division #Impossible #act #police #investigated #suspicion #animal #abuse #JCAST #NewsFull #text



One Response

  1. This perpetrator is foreigner.
    Japanese authorities (police, prosecutors and judges) do not apply appropriate legal procedures when offenders are foreign nationals even rape and murder cases with sufficient evidences.
    And the foreign culprits are not deported so they repeat same crime.
    So please do not forget this brutal offender and keep reporting!

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