Turkish President Erdogan advocates for two-state solution in divided Cyprus

2023-06-12 15:37:51

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once once more championed a two-state solution in Cyprus on Monday during a visit to the northern part of the divided Mediterranean island.

Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004, has been divided since Turkey invaded its northern third in 1974 in response to a coup by Greek Cypriot nationalists who wanted to reunite the country with Greece.

The northern part, where mainly Turkish Cypriots and Turkish settlers live, was self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in 1983, and its authorities are recognized only by Ankara, which still has a large military contingent there.

“If there is a return to the negotiating table, it must go through the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, declared Mr. Erdogan, who was making his first visit to Northern Cyprus outside Turkey since his re-election at the end of May.

‘The just demands of the Turkish Cypriots are clear and clear. Turkish Cypriots have never been and will never be a minority,” insisted the Turkish president, speaking alongside TRNC leader, nationalist Ersin Tatar, a close ally.

Not unanimous

Mr. Tatar had stated before him that “two distinct peoples live in Cyprus”, also ensuring that Northern Cyprus, which is economically dependent on Ankara, “lives in harmony with the Turkish motherland”.

However, President Erdogan is not unanimous in Northern Cyprus: the Head of State won only 42.2% of the votes of nearly 85,000 voters – Turks and Turkish Cypriots with Turkish citizenship – who went to the polls there for the second round of the Turkish presidential election, ten points less than for all Turkish voters.

Negotiations on a settlement of the conflict have been at a standstill since 2017. In 2004, a UN plan intended to reunify the island was submitted to a referendum: almost 65% approved by Turkish Cypriots, the agreement was was rejected by more than 75% by Greek Cypriots in the south.


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