Remedying Potassium Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

2023-06-12 09:27:00

The body’s need for potassium is usually easily covered by daily food intake. Therefore comes a Potassium deficiency also rather rare. The best way to remedy the defect depends on the causes.

Causes of potassium deficiency

The most common cause of potassium deficiency is increased potassium excretion by the body. This can be the case, for example, with diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, such as the Abdominal influenza. However, excessive elimination of electrolytes can also occur if laxatives are misused or during therapy with dehydrating drugs, so-called diuretics. Other causes of potassium loss are inflammatory bowel disease or heavy sweating.

High salt consumption or alcohol abuse can also contribute to the mineral being flushed out of the body. Potassium deficiency can also occur in people who suffer from bulimia. In the case of binge eating, the vital electrolytes do not remain in the body long enough to fulfill their functions due to the frequent vomiting. Elderly people are also often affected by a potassium deficiency. Because they often take in too little food and therefore too little potassium. Inadequate fluid intake further increases the deficiency.

treat potassium deficiency

A slight potassium deficiency can usually be remedied quickly by adding more potassium-rich foods to the menu. These include soy products, nuts or dried fruits such as figs or apricots. According to the medical portal “Onmeda”, taking potassium supplements is not recommended. Because the mineral is supplied in high doses, excess potassium, known as hyperkalemia, can easily occur.

This excess of potassium can be just as dangerous as a lack of the mineral. It can manifest itself with symptoms, some of which are life-threatening, such as cardiac arrhythmia or signs of paralysis. If you suspect that you are suffering from a potassium deficiency, you should definitely consult a doctor instead of treating yourself with dietary supplements.

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