Pope Francisco’s Health Update: Latest News on His Recovery from Abdominal Surgery

2023-06-12 05:16:03


The state of health of the Pope Francisco86 years old, evolves without frights, has not presented fever and is “hemodynamically (blood flow in the body) stable.”

This is indicated by the medical report published by the Vatican press office, which indicates that Francisco’s postoperative period follows the expected evolution.

The Supreme Pontiff, who He underwent surgery this Wednesday for an abdominal herniahas begun respiratory physiotherapy and moved from his room to a chapel ready to pray the Angelus privately.

The Pope’s medical team has advised him not to make any efforts, since he is wearing a mesh to allow the complete repair of the abdominal muscles and their proper healing.

For this reason, for the first time in his pontificate – which began in 2013 – he did not appear in public to celebrate the angeluswell when it they operated on the colon in July 2021 was able to look out the hospital window for Sunday prayers.

The Vatican has also reported that Bergoglio watched the mass on television and received communion. Later, he ate with the doctors, the nursing staff, the assistants, his personal health assistant and the Vatican escorts who accompany him.

Meanwhile, he took the opportunity to send a message to the European People’s Party meeting in Rome, given that he has urged politicians to bring to the European Parliament “the extremely rich heritage” that they have.

Likewise, he asked them to dedicate themselves to working for a Europe united in diversity “with high values ​​and high political vision”; that is inspired by human fraternity, above all, in migratory issues.

#undergoing #respiratory #physiotherapy #operation



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