the RN announces that it will vote a motion of censure of the Nupes, as the last hope

2023-06-11 15:42:00

New and perhaps final twist in the political soap opera of pension reform. The vice-president of the National Assembly of the National Assembly Sébastien Chenu announced this Sunday that the deputies of his party would vote on Monday for the motion of censure tabled by the Nupes. ” We want Ms. Borne to go, with her reform under her arm, and above all, we want there to be a vote because there was no vote in the National Assembly on pensions quipped the deputy from the North to RTL-Le Figaro-LCI.

Retirement: on June 6 the unions want to send a last message to the government

Accusing the passage of the pension reform law of anti-democratic coup ‘, the left-wing Nupes alliance retaliated with a no-confidence motion following the failure on Thursday of an attempt to repeal the pension at 64, which might not be put to a vote in the ‘National Assembly. This motion, which might overthrow the government if passed, should be discussed and put to the vote from 4:00 p.m. Monday.

“I see nothing rational in this pension reform project” (Esther Duflo)

« The 88 deputies of the National Rally will be there to vote for the motion of censure because we want the end of this text “, Then announced this Sunday the elected RN, in anticipation of the future vote of the motion of censure. ” It is not an alliance with LFI but we have already demonstrated that we are able to vote for a motion of censure tabled by other “, he underlined.

The Republicans, pivots of the National Assembly

Asked regarding the chances of success of this motion, he replied: “It’s possible, the last time he missed nine votes, it all depends on the Republicans”.

« Either the Republicans save the head of Emmanuel Macron, (and) Eric Ciotti will be able to have tea with Emmanuel Macron quietly next week, or The Republicans make a courageous choice, assert themselves as an opposition party and vote this motion of censure in the interest of the French “, estimated Sébastien Chenu. A previous motion of censure by the Liot group had narrowly failed in March, by nine votes. 19 LR deputies out of 61 had voted censorship, following the use of 49.3 by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, to pass the reform. But the situation has changed, judges one of the LRs, Aurélien Pradié, who ” do not think “Voting the motion on Monday:” She is disconnected from the subject, from the pension reform ».

Hopes therefore remain very slim for opponents of the reform.

All legislative attempts once morest pension reform rejected

The proposal to repeal the 64-year-old had fueled the flame of the challenge to the pension reform, despite its promulgation in mid-April. But the oppositions did not succeed in obtaining a vote on this flagship measure of the text carried by the independent group Liot, this one having been rejected in the name of its “iadmissibility ».

An affront to opponents. ” The government and its majority have once once more flouted the rights of Parliament to prevent it from deciding on the repeal of the raising of the retirement age retirement Thursday in the hemicycle, denounces the Nupes in the new motion. The deputies LFI, PS, EELV and PCF also point the finger at it “ the constant contempt since the beginning of the mobilization once morest the reform of retreats displayed towards our fellow citizens and union organizations ».

The street is also running out of steam

If the opposition seems to throw its last weapons into the legislative battle, on the side of the street, hope is also dwindling. After less mobilizing demonstrations on Tuesday June 6, the inter-union where dissension is emerging should not announce a new day of action once morest pension reform, but will strive to maintain its unity around new fights. ” There are different rhythms. It’s a bit complicated to tune the violins “Agreed Tuesday on the sidelines of the Paris demonstration Benoît Teste, secretary general of the FSU. A sign of this hesitation, the inter-union did not meet this week, and did not communicate either on Tuesday or on the failure Thursday of the Liot bill aimed at repealing the law of April 14.

The numbers one should exchange at the beginning of next week, before an inter-union meeting at the headquarters of the CFE-CGC on Thursday, followed by a press conference. It is unlikely to be to announce a new day of strikes and demonstrations. ” It will no longer be effective, we will not be followed “, estimated Thursday, June 15 on franceinfo the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger. ” The text has been promulgated (…) I don’t want to lie to these employees who have mobilized (…) to tell them we can continue like this and shell out days of mobilization to end up making the demonstration of weakness “, he explained.

The secretary general of the CGT Sophie Binet, who took over from Philippe Martinez at the end of March, had not however ruled out this possibility, refusing to say like the leader of the CFDT that “ the match is ending ». « Laurent Berger he hands over (June 21 to his number 2 Marylise Léon, Ed). It was perhaps his last manifestation, as far as the inter-union is concerned, we will meet next week and we will discuss the consequences together. “, she pinged on franceinfo, Wednesday, June 7.

(With AFP)