Islands of Insight: A Stunning Shared-World Puzzle-Adventure Game by Behavior Interactive & Lunarch Studios

2023-06-11 20:57:00

Canada’s largest development studio, Behavior Interactive, is partnering with Lunarch Studios to develop and publish Islands of Insight, a shared-world puzzle-adventure game set on a sky-high island.

Players will play the role of a seeker on a journey of exploration and puzzle solving. Their goal is to find and solve the game’s numerous puzzles while letting their curiosity guide them through a stunning open world of floating islands where the answers are always in sight. We can say it bears certain similarities to the upcoming The Talos Principle 2, The Witness or the recently shown viewfinder.

We might play alone or in co-op mode, where we interacted with other players or helped solve puzzles while completing them in our world. Reaching a certain number of solved puzzles in one area will open the way to the next area. We’ll talk regarding all of this in more detail when we bring you our impressions soon.

Islands of Insight is designed for those looking for a new puzzle-solving experience. Its gameplay and shared world environment will appeal to creative thinkers and explorers who enjoy turning challenges into solutions. It offers an engaging experience for novices while adding a new twist for masters of the puzzle genre.

Islands of Insight

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