FPÖ – Schnedlitz to Gödl: “It couldn’t get any more embarrassing …” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-11 15:25:10

Vienna (OTS) “Using the basic care figures from May 2019 to whitewash the failures of Nehammer and Karner is probably unsurpassable in terms of embarrassment. When did the many illegal immigrants and ‘asylum seekers’ come to our country and under which interior ministers? There is only one party until the end of 2017 – the ÖVP. Under the black Interior Minister Mikl-Leitner, thousands of migrants passed our borders unhindered in 2015, which didn’t matter to her successor Sobotka either. The asylum numbers under FPÖ interior ministers have shown how to do it right. A milkmaid understands the fact that the numbers of border crossings during the term of office are important and that no trick of the ÖVP can hide their failure. However, Gödl is more likely to fit into the SPÖ’s knowledge of numbers. What remains is embarrassment,” said the liberal General Secretary NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz correct.

The ÖVP would do well to listen to the people and follow the liberal plan to stop asylum. “Only the FPÖ stands by its word to work for the good of Austria and its people. Floods of migrants, rent increases and inflation are on the side of the ÖVP – the voters will decide,” stressed Schnedlitz.

Questions & contact:

Liberal Parliament Club
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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

#FPÖ #Schnedlitz #Gödl #mightnt #embarrassing #Liberal #Parliament #Club



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