Securing Lebanon’s National Partnership: Insights from Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan at Imad Haidar’s Memorial Ceremony

2023-06-11 12:00:19

The excellent Jaafari Mufti, Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan, emphasized the necessity of securing Lebanon’s national partnership, stressing that “what Tel Aviv and Washington might not take through the Israeli invasion, it will not be achieved through the presidential elections.”

The words of Mufti Qabalan came during a speech he delivered at a memorial ceremony held by the family of the martyr Imad Haidar Ahmad in the town of Ras Osta Al-Jubailiya, in the presence of the official of Mount Lebanon and the North in Hezbollah, Sheikh Muhammad Amr, a member of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, Representative Raed Berro, Consul of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Beirut Sayed Muhammad Faridoni, the official of the Amal Movement in Jbeil and Keserwan, Ali Khair al-Din, the official of Hezbollah in Jbeil and Keserwan, Sheikh Hussein Shams, the representative of the Mufti of Jbeil and Keserwan, Sheikh Muhammad Haidar, and a gathering of social and municipal actors and the family of the martyr.

Sheikh Qabalan advised some Lebanese forces, saying, “The game of the murderer and the killed is a great adventure, rather a great gamble. Putting the country on the sectarian track is slaughtering him, and making a living in Washington is treason.”

He added that “the political group managed by the American finger is taking the country towards a very big catastrophe and putting Lebanon and the national partnership in front of an unknown fate,” noting that the political difference is essential and acceptable except to play in favor of Washington and its disruptive projects, warning once morest the game of revenge and hostility to the resistance.

For his part, the official of Mount Lebanon and the North in Hezbollah, Sheikh Muhammad Amr, confirmed that the hand is still extended for dialogue in the presidential file to deliver those who work for Lebanon and get it out of its crises and problems without favor from anyone, indicating that the Lebanese people have the ability to get their country out of it. Fixes away from outsourcing.

In turn, the official of the Amal Movement in Jbeil and Keserwan stressed the role of the late Imam Abdul Amir Qabalan in preserving national unity and non-division, stressing the need to move away from the language of division and give priority to the language of dialogue and national understanding.

The speech of the martyr’s family was delivered by Sheikh Muhammad Haidar, speaking regarding the merits of the martyr Imad Haidar Ahmed, as he embodied with his blood the unity of the homeland in the face of the Zionist enemy.

Sheikh Ahmed QablanTripoli and the north

Read more in: Lebanon

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