The Ultimate Guide to Gaining Weight and Building Muscle: How to Eat and Exercise for a Strong, Healthy Body

2023-06-11 05:56:00

what to eat to get fat What to eat to gain weight quickly forskinny guy come this way, checkhow to get fat men how to eat to get fat weight gain But look strong and healthy. Eat right. Today we collect simple ways.How to lose weight in 1 month has already been given

gain weight men

Most men wantgain weight orwant to get fatter Fast, usually a small, thin man whoNo matter how much you eat, you won’t get fat. why let’s go see

Why are you eating a lot but not gaining weight?

  • Eating a lot but not gaining weight because of genetics Some families have a gene in which family members are small and thin, causing us to be underweight.
  • Eating a lot but not gaining weight because it has a good metabolic system whole digestive system food absorption system and use of energy including the excretory system work better than others Burn faster than others
  • Eating a lot but not gaining weight Because there are problems with the intestines, including digestion, absorption, and many other functions that may have an abnormality in body weight, such as gluten intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, helminthiasis, or Crohn’s disease. that causes the body to not absorb nutrients and malnutrition until weight loss
  • Eating a lot but not gaining weight because the thyroid gland is toxic This is a disease caused by the thyroid gland working hard and secreting more hormones than usual. Until causing the metabolic system to work hard as well, with symptoms of frequent hunger, irregular heartbeat, easily irritated, sweating easily, anxiety, short body, etc., which should also consult a doctor
  • Eating a lot but not gaining weight because the daily life style that always requires a lot of energy Makes you eat as much as you don’t get fat, for example, working people work hard. or people who like to exercise regularly enough rest or even eating behavior who is chewing slowly Because it will help digest food better. and tells the brain that the body is full
  • Eating a lot but not gaining weight because of chronic illnesses such as cancer, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes or HIV, in which the weight will drop for unknown reasons You won’t get fat following eating anything.

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So that guyEating a lot but not gaining weight No matter how much you eat, you won’t get fat. This might be for several reasons. Therefore, if there is abnormal weight loss without cause to consult a doctor, but if desiredgain weight men to choosegain weight the right way eat to gain weight but not fat strong body

how to make fat men what to eat to gain weight fast the right way

Today, TrueID Sport has gatheredHow to get fat fast for skinny men small shape No matter how much you eat, you won’t get fat. What to eat to gain weight, men Is there any way to check?

1. Gain weight, men: increase daily calorie intake.

Normally, men need to eat around 1,600-2,500 kilocalories that they should receive per day. which can increase men’s weight by eating more calories regarding 300-500 kilocalories/day in order to gain weight slowly and consistently

2. Gain weight, men: eat more protein.

Protein will increase muscle building. and balance the metabolic system by the protein that can Can be eaten generally From meals such as pork, fish, chicken breasts, eggs, beef that are lean, not fried, skim milk, no fat, or add whey protein drinks during the day. while exercising It will help build muscle in men to look stronger.

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3. Gain weight Men: Avoid drinking water before meals.

Because drinking water before eating will make you eat less Because the stomach of a man with a thin, small body tends to get full quickly, drinking a large amount of water before meals will make him unable to eat much. Better to drink following meals.

4. Gain weight Men: choose to eat more carbohydrates.

high-calorie carbohydrates But there are nutrients that are essential to the body such as brown rice, wheat germ, legumes, granola, whole grains, vegetables and fruits that are not juicy. By adding carbohydrates to every meal, mixed with eating protein and fat at each meal.

5. Gain weight, men: stop eating junk, processed food.

Want to increase fat, men, but this does not mean that we have to eat fat-making foods such as snacks, soft drinks, burgers, pizza because they will make you fatter. and destroy the metabolic system Add fat to replace muscle So if you want to gain weight in a healthy way But should eat healthy food from 5 food groups, not focusing too much on any one nutrient

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6. Men’s weight gain: exercise, increase muscle, men

It’s not enough to eat fat, you have to exercise. increase male muscle concurrently with weight training exercises Mainly used for exercising muscles At least 3 days a week to build muscle toned. weight gain In good health, not fat, but do not recommend doing cardio exercises such as running, cycling, aerobics because it is more suitable for people who want to lose weight.

7. Weight gain Men: Get 8-9 hours of rest per day.

Rest is very important for weight gain. Because the body will build muscles during sleep well. If you sleep well, 8-9 hours a day. And it may also help increase appetite.

When to gain weight, when should I eat?

ifWant to get fat fast within 1 month? or wantgain weight fast man can be done by double the meals, which we normally only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, but ifwant to gain weight man Eat every 2-3 hours, adding food between meals.gain weight should eat rice Morning, between breakfast-lunch, noon, between lunch-dinner, dinner and bedtime, totaling 6 meals a day. By adding food to snacks, you don’t have to eat too much at the main meal. Or eat more food than before, for example, from eating 1 normal dish, changing to 2-3 dishes per meal.

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however Must choose to eat useful food. And good for health, low fat, not sweet, not oily, not fried. Choose to eat healthy, such as lean meat. good fats from legumes and fish, focusing on fruits and vegetables with natural fiber Otherwise it will change from eating.gain weight men It’s getting fat instead. And until then, they’ll have to to lose weight men more quickly

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