In the final stretch, the axes and names of the economic platform of Judge

2023-06-11 04:00:00

In recent weeks, Luis Juez and part of his team began to strengthen ties and accumulate photos and selfies with references in the private network of Córdoba: the Stock Exchange, the Liaison Table, the Mediterranean Foundation, the Chamber of Foreign Trade, the Industrial Union of Córdoba and Fada Foundation in Río Cuarto, are just a few.

But although the campaign made this rapprochement more visible, the reality is that, at least since last year, the candidate for governor for Together for Change has been meeting in public and in private with various actors with different intentions: getting contributions for a diagnosis wide range of the private arc of Córdoba, weaving ties to capture demands, concerns and opportunities and, not least, trying to reposition himself as a leader who can generate positive change when it comes to managing a province. His municipal management experience is what generates the most doubts among the men and women of the local private sector.

And Judge turned around –or tries to do it– that weakness with a message of opening and request for participation towards the private sector. He did it with agricultural entities and repeated it days ago at a lunch at the Stock Exchange when he publicly asked Manuel Tagle, president of the entity: “Give it to the Minister of Economy.”

As far as is known, it was more than just a catchphrase. The name of the person chosen by the Judge to manage Finance of the province in case they are imposed on June 25 would be revealed in the next few days and it would be a person with vast experience and relationship with the private sector. One of the names that sounds the most is that of Diego Dequino, former Finance Secretary of the Ramón Mestre management and former director of Banco Nación and the Institute of Economic Research of the Córdoba Stock Exchange.

Kitchen and names.
While waiting for the name of the Finance Minister, other collaborators who are already working with Judge for economic development were met. In general, these are former officials who participated in the teams of the former Minister of Transportation of the Nation, Guillermo Dietrich, or who have had or are active in the private sector:

Anthony Beltramone: man from the Fiat Group. Macri’s management appointed him president of FadeA. Currently, he is a consultant for the private sector and director of Banco InterFinanzas. He sounds like Chief of Staff.

Marcelo Almonds: Director of the Tax Policy Department of the Industrial Union of Córdoba, member of the Tax Department of the Argentine Industrial Union and partner of the consultancy Shared Corporate Services. He worked as a service manager at the Fiat Chrysler and CNH Industrial Groups and was a manager at PwC Argentina.

Guillermo Campra, economist, Cordoba, former National Director of Automotive Transport. Agricultural producer and member of the Iniciativa Foundation and the Pensar Córdoba Foundation.

Other names that have been collaborating are Raúl Hermida – who coordinated the economic teams of Juez in 2007 – and the mayor of Hernando, Gustavo Bottasso, with a strong knowledge of the reality of the peanut chain.

These days, Judge began to show some of the axes of what they defined as the Economic Development Plan for the Province. For the construction of this document, information and diagnoses were collected from business chambers and technical teams.

It might be defined that there were three moments of construction of this platform, each one with different profiles of contributors: first, the collaboration of entities and business chambers that brought papers more or less sectorial, with an approach to the reality of each interest group. Then, specific contacts with references from the macro, some former provincial officials, but there were also contacts with officials who today work in the provincial administration and who -far from the photos- added their vision and opinion on the reality and perspectives for Córdoba.

And a ‘third wave’, already with a consolidated Judge as a candidate, made up of their own technical teams, mainly from PRO, the Civic Coalition and radicalism. There arose a first discussion between those who favored a more distributive line and with priority in caring for social aspects and others who argued that the axis must be fiscal responsibility and the ordering of the State for sustainable growth.

“Finally, a proposal came out with elements for social demand, without going too far,” said Sebastián García Díaz, one of the coordinators of the economic technical teams together with Francisco Reyna and Nancy Almada. García Díaz expanded on some of the concepts of the axes of Judge’s economic platform, in dialogue with PROFILE CÓRDOBA:

–You propose that Córdoba should improve its competitiveness, be 15% of the national GDP and that they are going to reduce the cost of Córdoba. How would they do to lower the tax burden without the Province becoming defunded?
–When we analyze the fiscal pressure, what we see is that the central tax is the Gross Income tax, which is the mother of all battles and has been configured in such a way that in the end the real estate and automobile taxes do not exceed 10%. of the province’s income. Instead, Gross Income is very important. There, the only thing we can propose is a 10% reduction of the IIBB, which is not much, but it is a sign. A second measure is to focus on services, since we found an item on the Epec bill that goes to improvement works, but that doesn’t really go anywhere and we would eliminate that. We want to do the same on the gas bill. And a third measure is to eliminate the Tax on Stamps on the credit cards of the people of Cordoba.

– Are the assets going to rise?
-In the first instance we have not contemplated it. What we are thinking is that, if a government of Together for Change to the Nation arrives, be they hawks or doves, and the exchange rate is unified, the economy opens, Córdoba can reactivate its foreign trade, construction. We believe that the reactivation itself will help us and we will not need to make big blows. And if we have a national proposal to unify taxes and that allows you not to tax Gross Receipts on income but tax on profit, then we all align.

–How is the export and production leap that you propose achieved?
–In reality it seems very bombastic but what we analyze is that if the exchange rate and exports are ordered, Córdoba can go from 13,000 million dollars of exports to double. And you can triple your production of raw materials, or double the number of cattle. They are possible numbers because we already had them.

–But much of the horizon that they propose depends on decisions and management of the Nation.
-That’s how it is. If we do not have a government of Together for Change, the scenario changes completely.

– What do you propose for employment and construction?
–We seek to create 50,000 jobs in four years, from different items. We evaluated the PPP, which works very well and we propose going from 15,000 to 30,000 boys, focusing more on the interior of the province. The construction of 25,000 homes that can generate 5,000 jobs.

–How are they going to finance 25,000 homes?
–There what we see is that half can be social housing financed 100% by the State and half for the middle class with very soft loans from Bancor. There are many people who can pay a loan if given the chance.

–What role do you think for Bancor?
-We have a very critical vision of the bank. Bancor went too far, it is managed with absolutely private criteria, so they finance consumption, because it suits the card. And it’s full of managers. We think of a deep transformation of the bank oriented towards production and credit for companies and exports. To finance consumption there are other cards. We want to finance production, housing and export.

– What margin do they have to reduce the deficit and the cost of Córdoba.
–That has to do with a comprehensive reordering. We propose going down from 17 ministries to nine essential ones. We are going to review certain agencies, which are not going to be more agencies, because they have been boxes of political appointments.

Are you concerned regarding the impact of a devaluation on the provincial debt?
-There we have a kind of sword of Damocles that is the debt of the Province and that 98% is in dollars. In technical terms it might be bearable, there are no problems. But we are all seeing that the exchange rate may be unified on December 10 and then the dollar will jump and we will be in trouble. Many of the proposals are very conditioned to what we are going to find on December 10. It can jump from $500 billion to more. Today it is the third part of a budget of 1.5 trillion. If you jump twice that gets complicated.

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