Strengthening Exercises for Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injuries – FOR LAB Director’s Guide

2023-06-11 01:45:08

This article was published in the May 2023 issue of Basket Korea webzine.(Basket Korea webzine purchase link)

hello. This is Fourlab Jung Moon-gyun. The content to be introduced in this issue is the second story regarding the damage of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) following the previous issue.
Have you tried the stretching mentioned in the previous issue? Due to the lack of flexibility, the feeling of muscle tension when stretching can be mistaken for intense pain. So, it is better to proceed slowly so as not to stimulate too much with breathing.


The wrist joint is made up of many bones, ligaments and joints compared to its size. Among them, the triangular fibrocartilage complex is closely connected to the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), one of the wrist joints. As explained in the previous issue, the triangular fibrocartilage complex is a tissue that acts as a shock absorber in the distal radioulnar joint and allows the carpal bones to move harmoniously with the ulna and joints. It’s an organization that creates stability between the surrounding organizations.
Also, in addition to injuries sustained from strong impact from the outside, such as placing your hand firmly on the floor while falling, people who use their wrists a lot also suffer damage to the triangular fibrocartilage complex. Then, what causes problems in the triangular fibrocartilage complex? That’s instability.
There are many factors that can cause instability. Lack of flexibility, weak muscle strength, or imbalance of muscle strength in the muscles surrounding the wrist joint can also be the cause. Muscles in a healthy state should protect joints along with soft tissues such as ligaments and joint capsules, but there are cases in which muscles do not play their role due to various reasons. The joint then becomes unstable. So, in this issue, I will tell you regarding strength training and strengthening exercises to relieve muscle imbalance.

1. Wrist 6D exercise

In order to strengthen the surrounding muscles connected from the wrist joint to the forearm, 6-way wrist exercises are performed. After fixing the elbow at regarding 90 degrees in the posture of sitting in a chair, only the movement of the wrist occurs. You should adjust the intensity with a band to maintain a level that is not too painful. (If you do not have a band, it is okay to proceed with dumbbells or bottled water)

<첫 번째 사진 출처; FOR LAB YOUTUBE>

<두 번째 사진 출처;>

Then, with the palms facing the sky, pull (bend) the wrists toward the body. At this time, be careful not to bend your elbows together, and do not twist your wrists left and right. And it’s important to pull your wrist correctly toward your forearm.

<첫 번째 사진 출처; FOR LAB YOUTUBE>

<두 번째 사진 출처;>

This is the action of pulling (extending) the wrist toward the body with the back of the hand facing the sky. As with flexion exercises, it is also important to keep your wrists from twisting and to slowly release and control them when pulling the band and lowering your wrists.

<첫 번째 사진 출처; FOR LAB YOUTUBE>

<두 번째 사진 출처;>

Next is a movement that pulls the wrist toward the thumb (radial displacement). After fixing the band with your feet or objects, proceed with the exercise so that your elbows do not bend together. When holding the band for the first time, hold it with your thumb facing down so that you can exercise while maintaining the proper tension of the band.

<첫 번째 사진 출처; FOR LAB YOUTUBE>

<두 번째 사진 출처;>

Then, following wrapping the band behind your back and fixing it with the opposite hand, proceed with an exercise that pushes it toward the little finger (lateral displacement). Pay attention to the compensatory action of extending your elbows, and proceed by slightly bending your body and placing your elbows on your knees. Then, you can focus on the movement of the wrist and proceed.

<첫 번째 사진 출처; FOR LAB YOUTUBE>
<두 번째 사진 출처;>

Here’s an exercise to strengthen the wrist pronation (pronation) muscles. With your palms facing the sky, hold the band and turn your palms toward your thumbs. The band must be fixed so that it can be pulled straight, so that the elasticity of the band can be used accurately. Also, make sure that your wrists are neither straightened nor bent.

<첫 번째 사진 출처; FOR LAB YOUTUBE>

<두 번째 사진 출처;>

Finally, there is the motion of turning the wrist toward the little finger (supination). At this time, the forearm must be placed on the knee and the elbow must be fixed to ensure accurate supination.


Also, like the picture above, you need to hold the band so that there is tension even in a relaxed state before performing the movement. That way, you can effectively apply the elasticity of the band.

In the previous issue, we introduced stretching exercises to restore flexibility, and in this issue, we looked at reinforcing exercises that can strengthen weakened wrist muscles and relieve muscle imbalance around the wrist. The muscles that move your fingers are connected to the wrist joint, and you have no choice but to use your fingers and wrist a lot in everyday life. Because of this, problems around the wrist and fingers can cause great discomfort.
There are quite a few people who refuse to exercise or are afraid of exercise when pain or discomfort occurs. This is because you have to move the joint or muscle directly. Also, if the injured area is weakened or a lot of fatigue is built up in the injured area, you may temporarily experience greater pain immediately following exercise. This can lead to a perception of being more sore following exercise. However, if you relieve the elements that cause joint instability by repeating appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises of appropriate intensity, you will be able to confirm that the pain and discomfort in your daily life gradually disappear.
And when I start exercising impatiently with pain in any joint, I feel rather anxious. At that time, you may feel more inclined to refuse exercise. A healthy body doesn’t happen overnight, so I hope you don’t feel too impatient. I hope you will be able to exercise wisely by challenging yourself to exercise step by step, as if you were going up one step at a time.

Written by Jeong Moon-kyun, Director of FOR LAB Center
Photo_provided by FOR LAB, see hyperlinks for each note

[저작권자ⓒ 바스켓코리아. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

#바코 #인사이드 #Jeong #Moongyuns #Reconditioning_Wrist #injuries #instability #triangular #fibrocartilage #complex #TFCC



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