Massa once again asked for the unity of the Frente de Todos, but he announced that if there is a STEP “we will be there”

2023-06-10 20:53:17

With the expectation of relevant political definitions, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massaheaded this Saturday the congress of his party, the Front Renovatorand although he once once more insisted on a candidacy for unity within the Front of Allassured that if there is a STEP «write us down, because we will be there«.

In his speech, which began a few minutes following 5:00 p.m., the leader reviewed the main steps and obstacles during his visit to the Palacio de Hacienda, which began in the middle of last year.

Already in electoral matters, the national official questioned the emergence of the «arguments and fights»internal, in which they debate «who is a candidate and who is not, as if it were a bid of vanities«.

He further requested thatno one play the victim» at the time of defining the candidacies and considered that only through the unit «We build a turn of the page to put an end to Argentina’s adjustment and indebtedness«.

In this sense, he stressed the value of unity within the Frente de Todos and listed: “In unity we endured the permanent attack of an opposition, in unity we built the opportunity to face an election despite all that, in unity we maintained a government despite those crises, cWe believe that the best way to show the argentinos«

Sergio Massa announced that if there is a STEP in the Front of All: “Let them write us down, we will be there”

Later on, and under the watchful eye of nearly 12,000 people, including leaders, guests and militants, the Economy Minister clarified that his intention it is not imposing a candidate of unity coming from his party, the Frente Renovador, but to agree, among all the ruling party, a single applicant to “face the challenges of Argentina”.

However, he announced that if it is finally decided to resort to the PASO within the Frente de Todos, his party, and possibly he as a candidate, will participate: “Write us down, we will be there »assured the official, in one of the most relevant definitions of his presentation.

On the other hand, he sent a harsh message to the insiders of the ruling party, criticizing those leaders who “they walk around as candidates without any responsibility” in government. “Submitting a government force to a division in a fight is to confuse people’s direction,” he remarked, adding: “The moment of fragility forces us to have unity«.

In addition, he maintained that “we are still governing and we have responsibility”, and asked “fulfill our responsibilities today” instead of “thinking regarding tomorrow’s dreams.”

Sergio Massa spoke at the Frente Renovador congress: criticism of the opposition and a message for Carrió

Before closing his speech, which did not last more than half an hour, Massa also dedicated a few minutes to criticize the opposition headed by Together for Change and the liberal deputy, Javier Miley.

On the main opposition alliance, which he named as “Together for the Charge“He mentioned his tough internal discussion and stated that he is giving”a gruesome spectacle“, to which you have to respond with”unity and a clear direction«.

Regarding the candidate for President for Liberty Avanza, he questioned his dollarization proposal and gave an unexpected nod to Elisa Carriowho in days past maintained that this initiative can only be implemented with repression: «Behind this is an adjustment with repressionA leader who does not like me at all has already said it, I give her the right, she is right, “said the head of the economic area ironically.

The preview of Sergio Massa’s speech and the details of the Frente Renovador congress

Sources from the organization assured that regarding 12,000 peoplebetween leaders and militants, will be part of the meeting, which began a few minutes following 4:00 p.m., with the gradual arrival of the attendees.

In advance of the closing of alliances, and two weeks before the deadline to present candidacies, Massa, who was already a candidate for the presidency in 2015, will seek to show political volume, which serves as support for his intentions, at least implicit, of being the consensus candidate of the Frente de Todos.

Sergio Massa will speak at the Frente Renovador congress, following rumors of his resignation

On the other hand, the speech of the Minister of Economy will be given following this Friday, versions and reports, initiated by a declaration President of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreaupointed out that he was close to resigning his position due to political pressure.

During an interview on La Red radio, the referent of the Frente Renovador questioned the intransigence of the President in the definition of the candidacies and anticipated that this situation might imply, shortly, “a political reconfiguration” of the government, with the possible departure of Massa from the Treasury Palace.

“I do not rule it out, I do not want to affirm it either, but I see it at a significant level of exhaustion”Moreau slipped regarding the national official, who hours later, and through spokesmen for the economic area, took it upon himself to deny a possible resignation.

#Massa #asked #unity #Frente #Todos #announced #STEP



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