The Impact of Netflix’s Ban on Account Sharing: Skyrocketing Registrations in the US

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2023-06-10 13:19:39

Earlier in the week, we warned you regarding the resurgence of scam attempts related to Netflixsubscribers then having to face an increase in the number of fraudulent practices following ban on account sharing. And if the last decision of the streaming giant had hit the headlines, then arousing strong reactions, it would seem that the choice of the platform has been more than beneficial so far. It is in all that suggests this recent rapport. We tell you everything.

people lie, numbers don’t

As a reminder, it was on May 23 that Netflix officially announced that it was now strictly forbidden to share your account with someone who resides outside the subscription owner’s household. An announcement which had then aroused strong reactions from subscribers, and which had then been criticized by many, starting with some of its competitors such as Amazon for example, which had taken the opportunity to tackle its rival.

In taking this decision, Netflix’s main objective was to increase its number of subscribers, by forcing users who share their password to have their own subscription, unless they pay a supplement. However, if the streaming platform had also anticipated an increase in the number of cancellations, it would seem that the first effects of this choice are more than promising for the moment.

Indeed, according to this latest Antenna reportwhich specializes in data analytics for large enterprises, registrations have reportedly skyrocketed in the United States since the announcement of the ban on account sharing. We thus learn that between May 26 and May 27 alone, Netflix would have recorded nearly 100,000 daily registrations.

Netflix New Listings Report by Antenna

Antenna, which has been analyzing Netflix subscriber numbers since early 2019, then revealed that the days following the announcement of the end of account sharing saw Netflix experience the biggest days of user acquisitions. Americans for more than four years. According to the company, these figures would therefore even have exceeded the enrollment peaks observed during the first confinements linked to Covid-19 in the United States in March and April 2020.

On average, daily registrations would thus have reached 73,000 new users during this period, which thus represents more than double the average number of registrations recorded during the previous 60 days. And according to Jeffrey Wlodarczak, analyst at Pivotal Research GroupNetflix’s financial results might be even stronger if the platform manages to convert the 100 million households that share accounts.

For Wlodarczak, Netflix is “the dominant player in video streaming globally, with strong medium/long term growth that is not properly reflected in the current valuation”. Results that might also be evaluated even better soon, thanks to the implementation of its low-cost offer including ads. A new subscription that appeared last year, and which apparently attracted nearly 5 million subscribers in the first six months according Variety.


And to continue in the same theme and discover how Amazon Prime Video wants to compete with Netflix and Disney with this new subscriptionsee our previous article on the subject, right here.

By Tahar Sadaoui

Tahar, young otaku at heart, my interests are as eclectic as my background. Curious by nature and having always had an attraction for writing, I hope to be able to inform you while entertaining you.

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