More than 30,000 visits to the Maison de la Santé in Grasse

2023-06-10 06:45:00

Could this be an offer of care that should not be overlooked? In just over a year, since its opening, thirty thousand passages have been recorded. Fourteen thousand requests were processed by the imaging department. “These figures speak for themselves. This is the justification for our establishment in this town which was waiting for this kind.”

Director Henri Gérardin draws up an initial positive assessment of the Grasse Medical Center.

Declutter emergencies

Each person welcomed in this new medical structure is one less in the hospital. Like the son of Sébastien Novellas, president of the Riviera Imagerie Médical group, who took advantage of the inauguration to tell a family anecdote. “To illustrate the importance of this medical project, I asked him to sprain his ankle. He kindly did it.”

Joking aside, “he didn’t clog up an emergency department for two or three hours for an x-ray exam and leave with a prescription. He also didn’t clog up the office of a general practitioner, who we know are particularly overwhelmed by chronic pathology.”

Open every day

This structure, open every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. – thanks to nine professionals – strengthens and densifies the territorial network.

“The implementation of this new offer was, in my opinion, essential to guarantee all residents access to local care in addition to the services offered by the hospital”, congratulates Mayor Jérôme Viaud.

Whatever the gossips think… “What hasn’t been the attack we’ve had and been through saying it’s best to leave those blue metal covers [Ndlr. autrefois était abrité une concession automobile laissée à l’abandon] for not hosting the Valimmo group ().”

The site has, it seems, never been so attractive.

1. Real estate company having restructured the Marigarde.

#visits #Maison #Santé #Grasse



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