Annecy Knife Attack: Updates on Suspect’s Legal Proceedings, Victims’ Health and Support for Families

2023-06-10 14:52:31

The suspect placed in solitary confinement at the Aiton remand center (info BFMTV)

The suspect arrived at the Aiton remand center (Savoie) where he was placed in solitary confinement.

The suspect transferred to a remand center for his placement in pre-trial detention

The suspect of the knife attack is now transferred to a remand center where he will be held in pre-trial detention, following the announcement of his indictment for attempted murder and rebellion with a weapon.

The victims and their families will benefit from “individual support”

The public prosecutor of Annecy announces that the victims of the knife attack, as well as their families “will all benefit from individual support by the victim support association”.

All of the direct witnesses to the attack were heard by the investigators and then also benefited from psychological care.

The alleged assailant “did not wish to speak” before the investigating magistrates

The alleged assailant “did not wish to speak” before the investigating magistrates, indicates the public prosecutor of Annecy.

The person in police custody was examined twice by a doctor who deemed his state of health compatible with police custody, specifies Lise Bonnet-Mathi.

“Blood tests for narcotics and alcohol were carried out and proved negative,” she said, adding that “the psychiatrist noted the absence of frank delusional elements”.

The vital prognosis of all the injured is no longer engaged

The vital prognosis for all the victims has now been lifted, announced the public prosecutor of Annecy Line Bonnet-Mathi this Saturday at a press conference. All the injured were examined by forensic doctors, she said.

“None (of the victims) has their vital prognosis engaged,” she says.

Suspect of stabbing charged

The suspect of the knife attack is placed under examination and remanded in custody for attempted murder and rebellion with a weapon, announces the prosecutor of the Republic of Annecy Line Bonnet-Mathi this Saturday at a press conference from the palace of justice of Annecy. He was remanded in custody.

The suspect before the judge of freedoms and detention

The suspect of the knife attack is before the judge of freedoms and detention, this Saturday at midday, BFMTV learned from a judicial source, as his police custody ends.

Once the judge’s decision has been taken, the public prosecutor of Annecy will provide an update on the investigation during a press conference. The latter, expected at 12 p.m., will therefore start with a little delay.

The Annecy prosecutor’s press conference will soon begin

The press conference of the public prosecutor of Annecy Line Bonnet-Mathi will soon begin.

Follow her live on BFMTV and

Flowers, stuffed animals … The inhabitants continue to gather at the scene of the tragedy

Flowers, little words, stuffed animals, heart-shaped balloons… Many gifts were left in the park of Annecy where a knife attack left 6 injured on Thursday.

Local residents and tourists continue to come this Saturday morning to the scene of the tragedy to pray and pay tribute to the victims.

“It sends shivers, it touches”, confides a local resident to BFMTV. “I came with the children to explain to them, it is important that they know”, assures a father for his part.

A rally scheduled for Sunday morning in Annecy

A rally is planned at the initiative of the town hall on Sunday from 11 a.m. in Annecy in tribute to the six people who were stabbed on Thursday.

“We have launched an appeal to all of France”, explains to BFMTV Alexandre Mulatier-Gachet, first deputy mayor of Annecy, saying he hopes that a “maximum of people” will be present.

“There will be a word from the mayor who will recall this solidarity, this fraternity with all the elected officials of the city of Annecy, he says. Activities are planned, including the creation of a fresco. A singer must also perform a piece.

>> Our full article

The suspect is on his way to court

The suspect of the knife attack is on his way to the Annecy court this Saturday mid-morning, while his police custody ends in the next few hours. He will be presented to an examining magistrate.

Syrian refugee, father… What is the assailant’s background?

The 31-year-old suspect in the Annecy knife attack is a Christian from Syria, according to his asylum application file. Mobilized in Bashar Al-Assad’s army, he deserted and left his country for Sweden.

Married to a Swedish woman and became the father of a child now 3 years old. He had been living in France for several months before the attack on Thursday.

How do you talk to the kids regarding it? advice from psychologists

Since this Thursday, a story of extreme violence has been circulating on our screens and in the playgrounds: that of the attack that seriously injured four children toddler and two other people in a park near Lake Annecy.

So how do you inform and reassure the youngest regarding these events? The experts interviewed by BFMTV insist on the importance of not backing down from their questions.

A practitioner advises above all else to listen to your child, in order to “establish what is called a” containing envelope “for the child, that is to say “a place of psychic reception of his affects and of his word”.

>> The rest can be found here

Why social networks are struggling so much to delete the videos of the attack

More than 24 hours following the knife attack that took place in Annecy on June 8, videos continue to circulate on Twitter.

The Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition and Telecommunications, Jean-Noël Barrot, declared on Twitter on Thursday that “the government is in contact with the Twitter France teams to ensure the removal of any shocking image”.

In fact, governments don’t really have much leeway when it comes to platforms.

>> All the explanations can be found here

What we know regarding the state of health of the six injured in the attack in Annecy

The condition of the four children injured in the knife attack in Annecy began to improve on Friday.

The news “is positive”, welcomed the head of state who went there on Friday with his wife.

>> Our full article

A press conference by the Annecy prosecutor expected at 12 p.m.

The Annecy prosecutor Line Bonnet-Mathis must hold a press conference in the middle of the day devoted to the legal consequences of the suspect of the knife attack.

The state of health of the latter was deemed Friday “compatible with police custody” following a psychiatric expertise.

The press conference can be followed live on BFMTV and

Emmanuel Macron, at the bedside of the victims, denounces “the most barbaric act there is”

The President of the Republic went Friday, the day following the attack, to the bedside of the victims in Annecy.

“Attacking children is the most barbaric act there is,” denounced Emmanuel Macron surrounded by elected officials, police and caregivers.

“By doing each and everyone your duty, you have done much more”, also underlined the Head of State, welcoming “this face of a France which saves, which intervenes, which challenges, which heals and accompanies”.

>> Our full article

The custody of the alleged assailant ends this Saturday

The police custody of the Syrian refugee who stabbed six people including four very young children in a park in Annecy ends this Saturday, 48 hours following his arrest.

Since his arrest, the 31-year-old assailant has given no explanation and has “obstructed police custody”, in particular by “rolling on the ground”.

He is also “totally mute”, sources close to the investigation told AFP.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this direct dedicated to the followingmath of the knife attack that occurred Thursday in Annecy.

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