Diablo 4: “It’s like winning the lottery!”, the Shako exists, he was finally found by a player

2023-06-10 12:45:00

Probably Diablo 4’s biggest mystery since release concerns whether or not you can get the Shako. This very popular unique item from Diablo 1 and 2 was introduced by the devs during a stream in the past, then it was extracted from the game files by various sites in the game files. Listed in almost all Endgame builds as the ultimate obtainable item, the absolute Best In Slot on the headset slot, it has not failed to make millions of power-hungry gamers salivate. The problem is that none of the genre’s expert streamers, who have already reached level 100, have had a chance to find it on the way, or even since.

There was therefore no doubt that the Shako did exist, but the doubts were more regarding the real possibility of obtaining it in game. Some suspected the fact that it would not be possible to find it before the start of the Season. 1, or Level 90, or before killing Uber Lilith for example.

The first Shako discovered by a player on Diablo 4

The Shako finally confirmed in game

The news comes from a message on Twitter, with a Chinese player who finally seems to have found the mythical Shako. As there are good reasons to question the legitimacy of the thing these days, the Diablo community manager, PezRadar was consulted, and he confirmed that this Shako is real and can be obtained by game at present.

Is the Shako far too rare?

It’s normal to have rarer items that players will be looking for for a long time. But 8 days following the early release of Diablo 4, and 4 days following its official release, this is the very first community-confirmed Shako. As others say, it’s not rare anymore at this level, it’s like winning the lottery. For its part, the Grandfather, a unique weapon, has not yet been discovered. According to Adam Jackson, the class lead designer, these items are meant to be as rare as that.

This is reminiscent of the Zod rune from Diablo 2, which was also extremely rare. Many Diablo 2 players have simply never found it, even following years of playing. The chance of getting this rune is 1 in 2,987,183, by killing the last boss in game, on maximum difficulty. We don’t have any statistics for the Shako at the moment, but it might well be even rarer.

The opinions of the players are quite divided on the subject. Some love having that holy grail of gear to chase for the very long haul, to keep them motivated to play and give them an adrenaline rush. Others consider that having in-game items, which 99.99% of players will never find, has absolutely no interest, and that it only produces frustration.

Both views seem valid, although by definition this may not satisfy everyone. It remains to be discovered if there are other requirements to be met in order to find the Shako. The theory that it might only be obtained above level 90 might explain its extreme rarity, since very few players have reached that threshold yet.

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