The Judge’s Prevarication and Former VP Jorge Glas’ Political Rights: The Legal Battle Unfolds

2023-06-10 03:11:00

“The judge (from Yaguachi, John Rodríguez) has committed a crime of prevaricato”, affirmed Iván Saquicela, president of the National Court of Justice (CNJ), when ruling on the precautionary measures that provide for the restitution of political rights to the former vice president Jorge Glas and that you can participate in the early elections of 2023.

Speaking to teleamazon, Saquicela said that Rodríguez’s decision is questionable. He mentioned that these days the Constitutional Court (CC) issued a judgment which determines that in this type of case it is possible that a judge can commit malfeasance.

The head of the CNJ assured that the case that benefits Glas “goes against express, procedural rules.” He listed the faults that the Yaguachí judge would have committed: he has no jurisdiction; is giving rise to a lawsuit against President Guillermo Lasso, who does not have to be a legitimate asset.

“I have been surprised by such an arbitrary resolution and that it also constitutes prevarication,” Saquicela insisted and commented that “the Prosecutor’s Office must act immediately and prosecute for prevarication.”

Iván Saquicela maintains that it is not possible for Glas to run as a candidate for early elections, since the precautionary measures refer to the context of the National Assembly and the political trial against the former vice president. That the ex-binomio of Rafael Correa would not have been notified by the Comptroller about the loss of political rights and that it is not recorded in the Ministry of Labor.

He said that the current sentence is not related to and cannot annul the sentences for the crimes of illicit association and aggravated passive bribery in the Odebrecht and Bribery cases 2012-2016. Saquicela specified that the sentences established a penalty of deprivation of liberty and the suspension of political rights.

“Those sentences are firm, they are unscathed. And this bad resolution given by the judge of Yaguachi does not even dare to such sentences, therefore they remain firm. If they are firm, political rights are suspended”, ratified the president of the National Court of Justice (CNJ), who reproached that “judges who violate the law”, with opinions of political overtones, “make the Judiciary look bad” .

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The precautionary measures were filed by the citizen Rodolfo Miranda Soriano, who argued that there is a smear campaign that seeks to prevent Glas from running for dignity in the August 20 elections.

Judge John Rodríguez resolved the appeal on the afternoon of Friday, June 9, the same day he entered. In the ruling, it was established that the Ministry of Labor lift the impediments that the former vice president has to hold positions in the public sector.

Both the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Prosecutor’s Office have not yet issued pronouncements on the situation of Jorge Glas.

The Comprehensive Organic Penal Code (COIP) penalizes the crime of prevarication with a custodial sentence of three to five years, for members of the jurisdictional judicial career; the arbitrators in law who fail against express law, to the detriment of one of the parties; proceed against express law, doing what it prohibits or failing to do what it orders. (I)

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