Understanding your Blood Test Results: A Comprehensive Guide

2023-06-10 07:27:59

Persistent fatigue, pallor, recurrent fever? A blood test has been prescribed by your doctor. So you went to a biological analysis laboratory. You would now like to understand the main points of your blood test so that you can discuss it with your doctor later. Let’s see together what the main indicators mean.

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You have received the results of your blood test. You then rush to compare them with the reference values ​​generally indicated in the right part of the document, without really understanding what this corresponds to. In order not to worry unnecessarily if a value does not comply, let’s see what the main elements generally prescribed during a blood test correspond to.

Complete blood count (NFS) or hemogram: what is it?

The hemogram consists of counting and analyzing the different cellular elements of the blood:

  • red blood cells (red blood cells) transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Polycythemia is too high a level of red blood cells. Anemia is a low blood cell count. Various evils can be involved for one as for the other;
  • platelets have a very important role in coagulation and help stop bleeding: a low value may reveal an infection or a coagulation problem. A high value leads to a risk of obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot (thrombosis);
  • white blood cells (leukocytes) defend the body once morest viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Blood analysis: what are the different tests for?

What regarding ferritin, inflammatory blood balance, blood sugar?

Ferritin stores iron in the blood. A low ferritin level is a sign of iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia). An excessive level can reveal a genetic anomaly, chronic alcoholism or an inflammatory disease…

The inflammatory blood assessment includes:

  • the sedimentation rate (“ESR”) which makes it possible to diagnose a possible acute or chronic inflammation;
  • C-reactive protein (or CRP) whose rate increases quickly in case of infection or inflammation.

Blood glucose measures the concentration of glucose in the blood. Hypoglycemia is lower than normal glucose levels. Hyperglycemia is characteristic of diabetes.

And the famous cholesterol, triglycerides?

On distingue :

  • total cholesterol level;
  • LDL-cholesterol (or “bad cholesterol”) which can deposit on the walls of the arteries if its level is too high;
  • HDL-cholesterol (or “good cholesterol”) which exerts a protective effect by collecting the “bad cholesterol” to bring it to the liver which ensures its elimination.

The triglycerides provided by the diet serve as an energy reserve for the body.

Excess cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), mixed dyslipidemia (increased cholesterol and triglycerides) and certain hypertriglyceridemias are major risk factors for atherosclerosis.

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