New Family Reunification Process in USA: Start the Process from the Country of Origin

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2023-06-10 00:55:11


One of the great innovations is that the process can be started from the country of origin, and it will not be necessary to first process the legal entry of the beneficiaries.


The United States recently announced the new parameters of the ‘family reunification’ process following the modification of the rules for said procedures that respond to the requests or faculties that citizens and residents have to request permission to enter the country of some people, with the purpose of of reuniting a family nucleus that had been fractured by migration.

This new model that favors reunification can be very beneficial for thousands of migrant citizens, including Colombians, who are already legal in the United States, and who now want to reunite with their family, also obtaining permission to do so. .

Although in the past the procedure had to be carried out when the two parties to be reunited (under legality) were already in US territory, at which time the procedures for the legalization of the second person began, in the new model, the process can be started with the second family member still in their place of originIn this case, from Colombia.

That change, provided by the DHS; Department of Security of the United States, responds to the new model of the Family Reunification Programand will begin to operate with its changes from this month.

Thus, the first beneficiaries are those who had received a go-ahead of ‘pre-approvedand will benefit people who are “requested” by relatives who already have residency or US citizenship.

When referring to people with the pre-approved procedure, it refers to those who have received the go-ahead in the so-called form 130.

From the aforementioned US entity in charge of the process and its regulation, it has been noted that the process will begin through a notification from it, in the midst of a pilot program in which the DHS will have those who have advanced the process. .

As explained by the corresponding entity, this request will be addressed directly from the United States, and will begin to be extended from this month of June.

The next step in the process is the completion of the form 1-134which also requires the annex of a series of additional documentation in which the supports of the economic viability of the person making the reunification request are included, with which it is sought to verify the capacities of the latter to support their family member in United States territory. .

Although in some cases the I-134A application form can provide the required information, in other cases, the process will be complemented by a study by the DHS, which corresponds to a feasibility and safety study and background of the parties to reunify; situation that responds to the security interests of that country.

Once the DHS gives its approval, the relatives to be reunited must travel to the scheduled meeting points, where a temporary permit known as a temporary permit will be issued in favor of the person to enter. the parole. that gives certain characteristics and conditions of permanence.

Once this permit is granted, the family member may temporarily enter the United States, a country in which they must wait for the entire approval process, for the delivery of the immigrant visa, and to formally begin the process for the legalization of the home. Said permit is what is known as the green card.

Under the temporary residence permit, the authorities clarify, migrants can access work legally, while also empowering them to temporary employment permit.

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