Russia Deploys Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus – Breaking News and Analysis

2023-06-09 15:50:00

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus will start immediately following the storage facility is ready on July 7-8. Photo taken in February 2022 (2023 Sputnik/Sergey Guneev)

MOSCOW ( – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia would start deploying its tactical nuclear weapons storage facility in neighboring Belarus as soon as it is ready on July 7-8. It is the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union that a tactical nuclear weapon has been deployed abroad.

Putin announced in March that he had agreed to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. He noted that the United States has deployed tactical nuclear weapons in many European countries for decades.

Putin told Belarusian President Lukashenko over a meal in the Black Sea resort of Sochi regarding the nuclear deployment plan, saying that “everything is going according to plan.”

“The preparation of the relevant facilities will be completed on July 7-8, and we will immediately begin operations to deploy the appropriate type of weapon on your territory,” Putin said, according to Kremlin records. mentioned.

Putin has alleged that the United States and its Western allies are throwing weapons into Ukraine as part of a growing proxy war aimed at bringing Russia to its knees.

Putin’s nuclear arsenal has been closely watched by the United States, its European NATO ally, and China.

The United States has criticized Putin’s move to deploy nuclear weapons, but has said it will not change its position on strategic nuclear weapons and that it sees no signs that Russia is preparing to use them.

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