2023-06-09 17:45:46
The actor turned out to be two-faced and cunning.
It is now the name of Anatoly Bely is no longer very willingly mentioned in Russia. And more recently, he was a very famous and sought-following artist. True, they say that demand and fame came to him not only thanks to his extraordinary talent, but also thanks to his acquaintance with Marina Golub.
It was Golub who brought the unknown actor to the right people and gave a start to success and money. And with his wife, Bely acted treacherously and cruelly. He traded the actress for a young designer Inessa Moskvicheva.
True, the artist himself on the sidelines told a completely different story. Say, he really wanted children, and Golub already had a daughter from another man at the time of their marriage, so new heirs were not included in her plans. However, the fact remains: the actor gained popularity, fame and the necessary acquaintances, and then “replaced” the artist with a more profitable and young passion.
#Bely #crossed #11year #marriage #photo