“100 years too late”: ÖVP shoots at Babler as a greeting

2023-06-09 13:01:00

Secretary General Christian Stocker said at a press conference on Friday morning. The ÖVP might still form a coalition with both. Because, as Stocker explained, the People’s Party wants to keep the country capable of governing. Each party is obliged to see whether there is a common denominator: “The alternative would be permanent new elections.”

However, the ÖVP is not thinking of an early ballot, as the general secretary assured: “For the ÖVP, there is no question that we will bring this legislative period to the scheduled end.” There is still a lot to do.

Of course, the no to the new election does not prevent the People’s Party from running a new online campaign from now until July, which presents party leader Karl Nehammer in various subjects. The portraits are provided with slogans such as “Security for Austria”, “Confidence for Austria”, “Stability for Austria” and “You can rely on our chancellor”.

Video: The statement by ÖVP General Secretary Christian Stocker

With a view to 2030, the ÖVP also wants to further position itself in terms of content. Ministers, members of parliament and experts will meet on Monday to discuss the issue of affordable housing. Among other things, this involves earmarking housing subsidies and facilitating the first purchase of property. They also want to keep the climate issue high, but not by doing without, but with new technologies: Stocker thinks that salad and schnitzel should not be opposites, but rather both.

In the press conference, however, the general secretary worked primarily on the SPÖ boss, whom he accused of wanting to legalize cannabis, which the ÖVP would never consider. On the other hand, Babler does not know where to go on all other issues: “It is very questionable whether the SPÖ can be a reliable partner.” Stocker also alluded to the statement by the new SPÖ chairman, according to which the ÖVP first had to make itself capable of forming a coalition: “He would be very well advised to ensure that the SPÖ becomes capable of governing.”

For Stocker, Babeler is 100 years too late. The situation he is describing was at the beginning of the 20th century. Marxism is not a future concept for Austria: “The route from South to North Korea is taken along the Babler route.”

No reaction from the SPÖ, FPÖ fought back

While the SPÖ ignored the attacks, the FPÖ fought back via General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz. The ÖVP has no plan, no vision and above all no feeling for the interests and concerns of the Austrians. Chancellor Nehammer’s record so far is “a single catastrophe”


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