Nutrients for Healthy Hair: Which Vitamins Can Help with Hair Loss?

2023-06-07 17:45:02

Hair loss can have many reasons, including vitamin deficiencies. But which nutrients can really help with hair loss?

Hair loss is normal up to a point. Since hair follows a growth cycle, around 50 to 100 hairs fall out per day, according to the medical lexicon MSD Manual. If this number is clearly exceeded, one speaks of hair loss.

The reasons are not always clear, but one thing is certain: healthy hair needs to grow Vitamins. You can read here which nutrients and vitamins can actually help.

Vitamins once morest hair loss: Important information at a glance

  • Chronic zinc deficiency can hair loss to lead. A doctor can use the blood values ​​to check whether a Zinkmangel present.
  • A copper deficiency can make hair thin, stringy and brittle.
  • A vitamin B7 deficiency can hair loss have as a consequence.
  • Even with one iron deficiency hair may fall out. The trace element is needed for the hair follicles.
  • A vitamin A excess can lead to hair loss lead, but even a deficiency is bad for the hair.
  • Dietary supplements should only be taken following consulting a doctor. Whether there is actually a vitamin deficiency or excess can only be checked on the basis of the blood values.
  • Although both a copper, and a Zinkmangel can contribute to brittle hair, if prescribed by the doctor, the two preparations should not be taken at the same time. The two nutrients cannot be utilized by the body if taken at the same time. However, it is possible to take one tablet in the morning and another tablet in the evening.
  • Although Vitamin While B7 has been shown to help maintain healthy skin and hair, other vitamins may also have an indirect effect on hair health. For example Vitaminsthat have been proven to protect once morest oxidative stress in the body: vitamin E, vitamin B2 (riboflavin and vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Video: ProSieben

Hair loss: how much is safe?

Hair grows in certain phases. Those are according to that MSD Manual the following:

  • Growth phase (2 to 6 years)
  • Transition phase (3 weeks)
  • Rest period (2 to 3 months)

At the end of the resting phase, the hair falls out and a new hair grows in the follicle. According to the specialist dictionary, up to 50 to 100 hairs fall out of the head every day. Some hair loss is therefore normal. If more than 100 hairs fall out a day over a longer period of time, this is referred to as hair loss, which is caused by disturbances in the growth cycle. Nevertheless, this is also very individual: With particularly thick hair, more than 100 hairs can fall out a day without medical reasons.

Interesting to know: According to Statista, people with blonde hair have an average of 150,000 hairs on their heads. In last place are redheads, with an average of 90,000 hairs per head.

According to the Proaesthetic Hair Center in Heidelberg, the dermatologist usually orders a hair washing test to test whether there is actually hair loss. The lost hair is caught in a sieve in the bathtub. The quantity and quality can then be checked.

Hair loss: When can a vitamin deficiency be behind it?

Medically, a distinction is made between diffuse (whole head) and local (one spot) hair loss. According to the MSD Manual, hair loss can be caused by the following:

  • taking medication
  • hormonal disorders
  • diseases of the scalp
  • mental stress
  • injuries
  • Physical stress (e.g. high fever, but also pregnancy)

One of the most common causes of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia, which is hereditary hair loss. The reason for this is the hormone DHT, which triggers an overreaction in the hair follicles.

Dietary disorders are also among the causes of hair loss, although according to the MSD Manual this is rarely the case. Among other things, a zinc, iron and biotin deficiency can lead to hair falling out, but an excess of vitamin A might also be the cause. In most cases, a vitamin deficiency does not only manifest itself with a symptom, but also digestive problems, headaches, tiredness or other complaints that are difficult to classify can occur. If you only suffer from hair loss, you should contact a specialist.

Hair loss due to vitamin B7 deficiency

Vitamin B7, also called biotin, is often advertised on the market as “vitamin H” as a synonym for skin and hair. The statement is actually true. It has been scientifically proven that biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and skin.

Anyone who has hair loss should not automatically resort to biotin preparations. Although biotin is one of the water-soluble vitamins and excess can be easily excreted by the body, taking it does not automatically mean that positive effects for the hair are also achieved. If a deficiency has been determined, the vitamin can help once morest hair loss, as it promotes the formation of new hair roots, among other things.

Hair loss due to iron deficiency

According to the AOK Federal Association, regarding eight percent of Germans suffer from an iron deficiency. Women between the ages of 15 and 49 are particularly affected. Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency symptom worldwide.

Severe iron deficiency can lead to hair loss. This can be triggered by gastrointestinal diseases, among other things. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption in the body. It can therefore be useful in hair loss to choose a combination product.

Hair loss due to zinc and copper deficiency

Although zinc is not a vitamin, it is an important trace element that can change the hair structure. According to the MSD Manual, patients who have an acute zinc deficiency usually suffer from symptoms such as tiredness and listlessness in addition to hair loss. Zinc is not only needed for the growth of hair, but also for bones, teeth and muscles, as it is a component of more than 100 enzymes in the body. According to that Center for modern hair transplantation in Berlin a zinc deficiency can also increase circular hair loss.

Copper is also a trace element that is required for hair growth. According to the medical journal, a deficiency can therefore lead to hair loss. Before that, however, the hair becomes straw-like and brittle.

Hair loss due to vitamin A excess

Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and can be stored in the body. Excess vitamin A cannot be excreted in the urine and must be processed by the body. According to the MSD Manual, the first symptoms of a vitamin A excess are headaches and rashes. However, if you take too much vitamin A over a longer period of time, you can get straggly hair, which then falls out. According to the MSD Manual, the eyebrows can also be affected, but this is extremely rare.

Nevertheless, vitamin A is important for healthy hair. According to the Center for Modern Hair Transplantation in Berlin, vitamin A ensures healthy fat synthesis at the hair roots. This promotes hair growth. According to the German Society for Nutrition, the daily requirement for vitamin A is 700 µg RAE per day for men and 850 µg RAE for women.

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