The keys to business motivation

1970-01-01 00:00:00

In twenty-five years in human resources, we have met thousands of candidates with very variable work motivations. Here are some thoughts on this complex topic.

Being motivated at work is a question of the employee’s desire and attitude, but also of wanting to achieve the objectives set in a given position. There are mainly two types of motivation, intrinsic motivation linked to the personal values ​​of the individual (ethics, environment, ecology, experience, personal development), and extrinsic motivation linked to external factors such as recognition of the work by his superior. , compensation or the prospect of professional development.

Read also: What if meaning at work wasn’t so important?

Work motivation is usually a mixture of the two. It is an essential contribution to the development of the company and its productivity. It is also a major factor in retaining employees. Its sources are above all the recognition of the work carried out, autonomy, taking initiatives, good working conditions and relations, the sense of function as well as remuneration.

Faulty management in question

When motivation crumbles, it is the reign of dissatisfaction both for employees and for the company. This problem then becomes a challenge for all. Let’s start by identifying the most common causes: Faulty management (micro-management, lack of communication, arbitrary, lack of availability), lack of evolution (when the work becomes monotonous and repetitive without the possibility of evolution or progression) , a lack of recognition or consideration as well as unsatisfactory remuneration. But also a lack of adherence to the values ​​of the company, an absence of meaning (link between work and the overall objective of the company) and finally an excessively heavy workload (vector of stress and anxiety).

Loss of motivation often has negative consequences for both employers and employees: reduced productivity, high rates of absenteeism and a negative and unsatisfactory work climate. So how do you regain motivation at work?

Satisfaction survey

The employer must generally start with a satisfaction survey to correctly identify the existing problems and understand the expectations of demotivated employees. He must then analyze the rate and causes of absenteeism as well as the reasons for the departure of employees, all in order to draw up an inventory. The company can then consider some measures to remedy this.

1. Clarify goals. This gives meaning and demonstrates that the work contributes to the achievement of the company’s objectives.

2. Recognize and reward performance.

3. Provide a stimulating work environment by setting objectives, responsibilities and implementing a skills development plan.

4. Prevent risks at work (physical and mental health).

5. Ensure an adequate and secure working environment (teleworking, suitable equipment).

6. Encourage autonomy.

In this complex multi-party issue, the essential role of the company is to create the conditions for motivation, guarantee fairness and promote the employee’s sense of belonging to the company. It is still recognizing the value of the employee within the company and ensuring their balance. Once these measures have been put in place, the employee retains control of his motivation and his professional commitment.

Martine Gauderon’s latest column: Employment: how young people are moving the lines

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