Understanding Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Prevention Measures

2023-06-07 20:58:58

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the breast tissue. It forms when breast cells begin to grow and divide uncontrollably, forming a malignant tumor in the breast.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), It is estimated that around 2.3 million new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed worldwide in 2020, Therefore, it is estimated that it is the second most common type of cancer in women.

(Keep reading: Combining therapies reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence)

The symptoms of breast cancer can vary from person to person, and some women may not have symptoms in the early stages of the disease. These symptoms can also be caused by benign conditions of the breast, so it is essential to consult a doctor for a proper evaluation if these changes are experienced.

  • Lump or mass in the breast: You may feel a lump or mass in your breast that is different from the surrounding tissues. These lumps are usually painless, but not always.
  • Changes in the size or shape of the breast: The breast may change in size or shape, and there may be noticeable asymmetry between the two breasts.
  • Changes in skin texture: The skin of the breast may become thick, red, dimpled, or similar to orange peel.
  • Nipple changes: The nipple may sag inward (retraction) or have changes in shape or texture. There may also be a discharge from the nipple, often with blood.
  • Changes in the appearance of the chest: There may be changes in the general appearance of the chest, such as swelling, redness, or deformities.
  • Sensation of pain or discomfort: Breast cancer does not always cause pain, but some women may experience discomfort in the breast or underarm area.

A curious fact is that, according to the experts at Medline Plus, the website of the United States National Library of Medicine, when the disease is advanced it can cause some symptoms such as bone pain.

Although the exact cause of breast cancer is unknown, various risk factors have been identified that may increase the probability of developing the disease and on which work must be done to prioritize prevention measures.

It should be considered that a woman with a first degree relative with breast cancer (mother, sister or daughter) the risk is double that of the general population, and if said disease was diagnosed before menopause that risk is triple, Therefore, it is essential to carry out the screenings earlier, to impact on the timely diagnosis, explains Dr. Marcela Bermúdez, a medical specialist in oncology.

(You may be interested: Scientists identify new data that would explain some types of breast cancer)

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Modifiable risk factors include exposure to ionizing radiation, obesity, alcohol, and exposure to estrogens; therefore, a healthy diet to maintain an adequate weight, avoiding the use of alcohol, and radiation exposure can impact on the decrease in the incidence of breast cancer.

The specialist Bermúdez adds that one of the challenges faced by cancer patients and family members in the country is the fragmentation of health services, which delay screening, diagnosis and management of the disease; to which is added the emotional impact, where the accompaniment of a multidisciplinary group is required, which involves specialists in psychology, social work, nutrition, among others, who provide tools to adequately face the situation.

Normal breast tissue often feels nodular (lumpy) and varies in consistency from woman to woman.

On the other hand, Dr. Ana María Naranjo, general surgeon and mastologist at CES University, assures that “breast cancer It is perhaps one of the cancers that has shown the most progress over the years from prevention and risk reductionwith increasing knowledge of genetic testing, higher-quality imaging diagnosis, and disease management with targeted therapies.”

Thus, if breast cancer is detected early, there is a greater chance that management will be successful. However, if you wait too long, the cancer can progress to an advanced stage and more invasive and extensive therapies may be required, increasing the risk of side effects and complications, notes Dr. Naranjo.

(Also read: Mammography: everything you need to know about this test)

It is worth noting that breast cancer occurs mostly in women, but a low percentage of men can also develop it (0.5 to 1%).

Not all lumps that originate in the breast mean the development of cancer, there are benign or non-cancerous tumors that do not represent a danger to life; although Some types of benign masses can increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Hence the importance of any anomaly in the breasts being examined by a medical professional to determine the tests to be performed and an accurate diagnosis.


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