The Rising Cost of Ambulatory Care Services: A Wake-Up Call for Germany’s 4.2 Million Caregivers

2023-06-07 20:34:40

Frightening numbers for around 4.2 million people in need of care at home!

Ambulatory care services (e.g. personal hygiene, house cleaning) have become regarding 38 percent more expensive on average in the last five years. This was announced by the Federal Association of Private Providers of Social Services (bpa) when asked by BILD.

Consequence: The nursing allowance is no longer enough!

The care reform recently passed by SPD Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (60) hardly changes that.

Background: For the first time since 2017, the care allowance will increase by 5 percent in the coming year, and there should be a further adjustment of 4.5 percent in 2025.

Far too little, criticizes bpa President Bernd Meurer!

He told BILD: “Minister Lauterbach apparently hopes that those in need of care and their relatives will not be able to do basic arithmetic. The minimal increase in benefit amounts does not come close to compensating for the cost increases of recent years.” Meurer warns that this development will continue.

Reason: high costs due to staff shortages, tariff increases and inflation.

Outpatient care is so expensive

Federal State Cost increase in percent since 2018
Thuringia 60.5 percent
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 58.6 percent
Rhineland-Palatinate 56.4 percent
Lower Saxony 53 percent
Saarland 48.3 percent
Brandenburg 48.1 percent
Berlin 39.8 percent
North Rhine-Westphalia 35 percent
Schleswig-Holstein 34.5 percent
Saxony 32.2 percent
Bremen 31 percent
Saxony-Anhalt 26.1 percent
Hesse 25.4 percent
Baden-Wuerttemberg 25.1 percent
Hamburg 19 percent
Bayern 17,8 %
Average 38,2 %

The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds is alarmed. Board member Gernot Kiefer on BILD: “Especially in outpatient care, gray rationing is gradually taking place.” The result is a curtailment and reduction in benefits! A society should not treat those in need of care in this way, warns Kiefer.

The costs vary depending on the service mix and federal state. Example: A person in need of care with care grade 3 (lives in NRW, uses the services for body care, cleaning and shopping five times a week). In 2017 she paid 10 euros a month for this out of her own pocket, the rest was covered by the care allowance. Now it’s 294 euros – every month!

Kiefer: “Today, those in need of care have to pay 294 euros out of their own pocket for the same service or they will receive fewer services.”

bpa President Meurer demands a chancellor’s word of power: “Chancellor Olaf Scholz must finally wake up Lauterbach on the subject of care. Once once more he is allowing one of his cabinet members to simply sit out a key issue for the future.”

Those in need of care and their relatives now have to make the bitter decision of how much personal care or how many days in day care they can still afford. Important reliefs were omitted.

This also damages the German economy. Meurer: “If you can’t find a place in a home for your mother or a nursing service for your father, you won’t be standing on the line at VW tomorrow.”

#Care #home #cost #shock #millions #politics



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