FPÖ – Rauch/Lausch: “The abolition of the climate bonus for prisoners under pressure from the FPÖ is a step towards justice!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-07 18:28:20

Today’s decision in the environmental committee must also be followed by a climate bonus for asylum seekers

Vienna (OTS) The abolition of the climate bonus for prisoners at today’s meeting of the parliamentary environmental committee was preceded by massive pressure and numerous motions by the FPÖ, which demanded that this injustice be eliminated at the expense of taxpayers from the start. “The fact that black-green, together with the red-pink sham opposition, threw the climate bonus at asylum seekers and prisoners, even though both groups are supplied with tax money anyway, is a blatant mockery of the hard-working citizens suffering from record inflation. It is therefore a step in the direction of justice that the black-green government is finally implementing our free demands,” said FPÖ environmental spokesman NAbg. Walter Rauch and NAbg. Christian Lausch.

The next step, which is also long overdue, is the end of the climate bonus for asylum seekers. “The ÖVP and the Greens would then also follow their own arguments, because in their amendment for the abolition of the climate bonus for prisoners, they themselves admit that they are not affected by the additional burdens. This is no different for asylum seekers. It is therefore absolutely incomprehensible why people who have come to our country illegally and are provided with all-round tax money should continue to receive ‘Körberlgeld’!” Walter Rauch.

The FPÖ will therefore not give up and will continue to work to ensure that the unjust climate bonus for asylum seekers falls as soon as possible. “The climate bonus is also a magnet for illegal immigrants from all over the world. An end to this rain of money at taxpayer expense would therefore contribute to the necessary de-attractivisation of Austria as a destination country for asylum seekers. Because this ‘new migration of peoples’ must be counteracted by an immediate freeze on asylum and a ‘Fortress Austria’! ‘ explained NAbg. Christian Lausch.

Questions & contact:

Liberal Parliament Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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